Morning Star
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August 5, 2022


Thank you Yahweh for being here for me. It’s a new day. I am alive. It’s Friday – end of the work week. I’m looking forward to the much, much needed rest. Ah feel like a bite up shilling. But I am also thankful for every day, every minute that you have blessed me with.

Thank you for family. Your protection over them, your everlasting love. Thank you for leading in our lives. For the breaking in our lives, for the pressures in my life. Thank you that even though we are under pressure, we are also under your shadow. You are right there ensuring that we are not crushed. You are right here.

I’m kinda fascinated at the moment by “shadow.” I’ve literally just been staring at the mention of shadow in the Bible. Is there any “meaning” to it? And I know there is, because everything has meaning, but just wondered.

Good Shadow: Bad Shadow

For a moment I was hesitant to say bad shadow, but yes things can be bad and I will call a spade a spade.


  1. A dark area or shade produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.
  2. Partial darkness or obscurity within a part of space from which rays from a source of light are cut off by an interposed opaque body.
  3. An inseparable companion or follower.
  4. A reflected image.
  5. Shelter from danger or observation.
  6. An imperfect and faint representation.
  7. A state of obscurity.

Okay. First thing I had no clue that there were so many meanings for “shadow.” But there are definitely some with positive connotations: a reflected image, shelter. And some with negative: imperfect representation, state of obscurity. And then there are some that can go either way. Looking briefly at the scriptures I’ve seen so far, it truly can go either way. Let’s see where this rabbit hole goes. Yahweh, I pray for your guidance that what I learn will be of you and would draw me closer to you. Amen.

First Question: Who cast the shadow?

When considering the primary definition of a dark area produced by a body coming between light and a surface, I immediately think of Yahweh as the light and something coming between the light and us.


Shadow of Death: (Lol. I guess I went dark first).

Psalm 44:18-19 – Our hearts never turned away. Our feet never left your path. Yet, you crushed us in a place for jackals and covered us with the shadow of death.


Jeremiah 2:6 – They didn’t ask, “Where is the Lord, who brought us from Egypt? He led us through the desert, through a wasteland and its pits, a land of drought and the shadow of death. No one lives there or travels there.”


Luke 1:78-79 – A new day will dawn on us from above because our God is loving and merciful. He will give light to those who live in the dark
and in death’s shadow. He will guide us into the way of peace.”


Psalm 44:19 : tsalmaveth: deathlike shadow, deep shadow (maveth:death, tsel-shadow), of distress, of extreme danger, the grace, calamity.

Confession: the word tsalmaveth has such a sense of foreboding to how it sounds. It makes me think of the word malevolent.


Jeremiah 2:6  : The same root word as used in Psalm 44:19


Luke 1:79  :  two words are used.

Skia: Shadow: a shade, thick darkness, an outline.

Thanatos: death, physical or spiritual, separation of soul from body, deathstroke, deadly wound, all miseries arising from sin.


SIDEBAR: Is it just me or does that name give off Thanos Marvel Movie vibes? Though it says that Thanos is Greek for immortal. Which is ironic because when I also searched “thanos” in the Bible Concordance it says that thanos means: to die, be dead. Which actually quite poetically represent Thanos – an immortal who is spiritual dead and brought death wherever he went.


Death is standing between the light of Yahweh and us. It’s not on us though, the shadow is. That shadow, depending on where we are (how close it is) can prevent us from seeing the light. But in a way, I also picture that the light is holding the back of death’s shirt preventing it from coming closer where it would move from being a shadow to being corporeal. That Yahweh is holding the physical so that all that touches us is the shadow.

This shadow could be put there by Yahweh or held back by Yahweh. The thing is, we would not know which one it is until we are out from under the shadow and see what was going on behind the scenes. While in the shadow, we just have to trust that Yahweh has us.


Shadow of Wings : This usually represents protection

Psalm 57:1 – Have pity on me, O God. Have pity on me, because my soul takes refuge in you. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until destructive storms pass by.

Isaiah 34:15 – Owls will make their nests there, lay eggs, and hatch them. They will gather their young in the shadow of their wings. Vultures also will gather there, each one with its mate.

Matthew 23:37 – “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you kill the prophets and stone to death those sent to you! How often I wanted to gather your children together the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings! But you were not willing!


It’s interesting that the phrase shadow of wings isn’t used much in the New Testament. Maybe because the shadow (faint representation) of things to come was finally here. 


Psalm 57:1  : two words used

tsal: shadow

Kanaph: wing, extremity, garment

Isaiah 34:15   :  tsal: shadow


Matthew 23:37  : two words used

Gather: episunago : to collect, gather together, assembly, to collect upon the

same place.

Wings: pterux: a wing, pinion.


Observation: the imagery in the Old Testament is truly of a shadow. In the New Testament it’s not longer under the shadow of his wings, but under his wings. He is able to draw even nearer because Jesus is actually here. The tabernacle was a shadow of the tabernacle in Heaven and a shadow of things to come. Once it came, it replaced the shadow (overshadowed the shadow if you will).

Yahweh, thank you for your shadow of protection that is more precious by the reality that you came here to remove the need for a shadow. We are able to come close and know the Saviour. Thank you for your protection. Either way: Shadow of death, Shadow of wings – we are under your protection. Thank you for protecting me even from myself.

Deep Breaths

I find myself having to take deep breaths more and more. The officer has now taken to telling members of the public that I have their file sitting on my desk and giving out my extension. Yahweh, put a hand please. I did report the latest incident to the director because it is happening more and more. Help me not to react in anger, to keep my trust in you.

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