Spread the love

January 9, 2023


Yahweh. Good Morning. So I’ve been awake for a while with thoughts running through my head.

  1. I’m afraid of dating. My very few forays into dating have not ended well. Even the last attempt a couple weeks ago I was accused of lying because I eventually told the guy that our priorities are too different.
  2. I’m afraid of the pain of carrying children. Both my period and ovulation in the past have been very painful at times to the point where I could barely walk. And while I had wanted children then (and thankfully still do), the potential pain (not of childbirth itself) scared me.
  3. I never wanted to go through pregnancy by myself. As in a single mother living apart from the father. Never.
  4. I am not afraid of being alone. Can’t say that I would like it if you changed your mind, but this last year proved that I can do all things through you.
  5. While I  don’t want to date anyone that just crosses my path, I am willing to date even if it’s not a match. But they need to be a Christian. As in someone who has you as centre in their life.


I think (lol) that’s the last of my thoughts. It’s 2023. It’s a new year. It’s your year. And despite my fears, despite my thoughts, I will choose to trust you. I will trust that you will lead. I will trust that you know what is best for me and will work/walk in that promise.

Premise and Promise. 

  1. You will never leave me.
  2. You desire what is best for me.
  3. You are working all things out for my good.
  4. You will put me outside my comfort zone.
  5. You love me with an everlasting love.


I will hold on to you come what may. Thank you for who you are. For the glimpses of you that I’ve seen. I look forward to more of you. Thank you for your guidance. For making me the way you did. For being God. The only wise God. I love you.


Placement and Timing is important. 

“Jesus curse a man with a skin disease.”

“Jesus cures a man with a skin disease.”

When I first read the heading, I was like, “Huh?” This makes no sense, But I read wrong: he cures a man.

The placement of one letter changed the whole story. And that’s how it can be in our lives. One event. One choice can change the trajectory of our lives. I remember this show I used to watch. And there was an episode where they were sent into the future. That future, they were imprisoned, others were being hunted. They didn’t know why. When they got back to the past, they were about to enact one “tiny” bit of revenge for the actions of someone. One of the sisters stopped them and asked if they learnt nothing from what they had gone through in the future. They did not complete the action and then they saw that the person who was leading the hunt for them in the future was the same person who they were about to have the “tiny” revenge on.

We need to be aware of our choices. And while we can’t predict the outcome of every choice we make, we can allow Yahweh to guide with the assurance that even though it looks bleak, that it wasn’t because we did the wrong thing.


Luke 5:12-15 – One day Jesus was in a city where there was a man covered with a serious skin disease. When the man saw Jesus, he bowed with his face to the ground. He begged Jesus, “Sir, if you want to, you can make me clean.”  Jesus reached out, touched him, and said, “I want to. So be clean!” Immediately, his skin disease went away. Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone. Instead, show yourself to the priest. Then offer the sacrifice as Moses commanded as proof to people that you are clean.” The news about Jesus spread even more. Large crowds gathered to hear him and have their diseases cured. 


He is God and he was intentional about his prayer life.


Luke 5:14 – Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone. Instead, show yourself to the priest. Then offer the sacrifice as Moses commanded as proof to people that you are clean.”


Actions do speak louder than words. Jesus said, “Don’t speak about it.” But he did tell him what to do. It was His actions that spread the news. Not his words. We truly need to do what Jesus says. Our actions can be better sermons than our words.

Yahweh, I pray that as we go out today, that what we do will tell your story. Amen.

Sigh. On my way to work this morning and listening to a song I heard for the first time today.

Dear God – Cory Asbury

And honestly it had me in my thoughts. The thought that there are still times that I feel like I’m not enough or not doing enough.

Lol. For a moment there I forgot that I was fasting and wondered why I was so hungry. Right now I am standing at a meeting place with no meeting in sight. We will see how it goes. I pray that the other meetings go better than this one has (not).

Spread the love