January 8, 2023
Yahweh. Thank you for today. It was unusual for me. There’s a lot to be done, but I didn’t do much today. I’m learning to let go. To let the next person do as they wish. I can’t coddle the leader. Thank you for your love and your grace.
- Expecting to be completely surprised by everything this year. Everything. Work. Relationship. Ministry. House. I will be still. I will stand still.
- Physical feelings. I’m not dead. Lol.
- I’m “On My Way.” This was a song that carried me through the end of 2021 and into 2022. I remembered it today and had to sing it. I’m on my way. To where Yahweh wants me to go. While I’m standing still. The biggest oxymoron ever, but so like Yahweh.
So as of tomorrow, I intend to do a detox fast. Nothing spiritual about it. Honestly, I ate so much crap (well truthfully not crap) this Christmas, that I feel the need to jumpstart my previous food lifestyle. So. A fast: five days and detox. So other than water, I will be drinking ginger lemon tea (no sugar) to cleanse my system. I’m not likely to extend past the five days. I’ve never gone past three days on a complete fast before. We will see how this goes.