July 7, 2022
I’m not sure how I’m feeling. Good Morning Yahweh. These half wake, half sleep dreams that I’m having. It’s minutes to two and someone is still playing music loudly. I don’t know who it is. But truthfully there just seems to be these times when people do that with no consideration for the time and for others.
Yahweh, forgive me. My thoughts that aren’t of you. My words and actions that are not of you. Though I walk through the fire, I will not be burned. There is a battle going on. Actually multiple battles. Help me to fight wisely. To know what to do whenever situation arises. Thank you for holding me in your arms. I long for that day when this world will end and we can meet face to face. Where you can physically hold me in your arms.
Question: Can you physically hold all of us individually at the same time when you return or when we are in heaven? Serious question, but don’t know if you would answer.
Thank you for being my God, my friend, my comforter. I need you everyday, but I think there are different aspects of you that I need more on different days. I think this morning I need the comforter more than ever. I’m tired.
Yahweh. The truth? Right now I’m torn: between desiring to do what you have called me to do and wanting it all to end and for you to return right now and take me home. That one seems way easier. Sometimes your return seems too far and other times not far enough. Sometimes it seems all this work is being done with no reward and other times it feels like no reward is needed.
Yahweh, I pray for this community. I don’t know what to do so that they can come to know you. There have been preaching and teaching and books, but little seems to make a dent. Yahweh, show me what I can do. Help us to walk in your will. To do what you desire of us. Help us to be on fire for you.
I pray for your covering over the anniversary service, help us to choose wisely. To understand where to turn and how to go. Let your will, your spirit cover the church (not the building, but the people) and may we be filled with you so that no division can be found. No fighting, no malice. Help us to work together as one body, under your leadership. I am yours to do what you desire. Thank you for how you have led in the past. Thank you for your promises of the future. But most of all, thank you for today. Today. To do your will. To stand for you. To honour you. I don’t know what you will ask me to do today, but I am yours. Saddened heart and all. I am yours. Thank you for who you are. Set my soul on fire for you. Fan the flames.
One of the things that I have to do is guard the very avenues of my mind. Is it possible to guard it too much? Is that a thing? Can we guard our minds so much that it causes us to miss out? Btw, this is different from guarding my heart. I’m thinking in terms of what books are read, shows and movies. News reports, posts on social media. Can we guard ourselves too much?
[…] some prayers if the person being prayed for is willing to accept. I’m reviewing my journal (Though I Walk Through the Fire) and I have been praying for the Spirit to cover the church, for us to be filled with the Spirit. […]