August 21, 2022
The recognition that Yahweh can only answer some prayers if the person being prayed for is willing to accept. I’m reviewing my journal (Though I Walk Through the Fire) and I have been praying for the Spirit to cover the church, for us to be filled with the Spirit. And I’m watching more division and confusion. I’ve also been listening to a series on the Holy Spirit and among other things, it is prominent that we can pray all we want, if we don’t choose to accept/welcome/invite the Holy Spirit for ourselves, he’s not coming in. He’ll be over the church community, but the unity that actually comes from individuals who have surrendered to your Spirit.
There is almost a coalescing of people who are seeking you to one side, but Yahweh, this type of division is not what you truly desire. Help us to truly open our hearts to you, to welcome your Spirit into us. To be used for your glory. Cover us with your grace. In your name. Amen.
It’s amazing to see how you have been moving through me. The Spirit in my life. Thank you for being in me.
1 Corinthians 12:7-11
- Discerning Gifts:
- Words of Knowledge: knowing something specific without having learned by natural means.
- Word of Wisdom: divine answer or solution for a particular event.
- Discerning of Spirits: made aware of the presence of a demonic spirit.
- Declarative Gifts (Edification):
- Prophesy: message from God through a person.
- Tongues: a message from God in a language unknown to the person through whom the message comes.
- Interpretation of Tongues: understanding and expressing the thought or intent of the message in tongues.
- Dynamic Gifts:
- Faith: supernatural impartation of belief and confidence for a specific situation.
- Gift of Healing
- Working of Miracles
How do you know that the Holy Spirit is in you? Galatians 5:22-23. It will produce fruit in our lives.
Galatians 5:22-23 – But the spiritual nature produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There are no laws against things like that.
Thank you for your gifts. To be used for your glory. Yahweh, help me not to take these for granted but to hold on to you. To rely on you.
God is Stripping Me
Today, as I was talking with a friend, I realised the benefit of not having access to Netflix right now. You have been stripping me of all that I would rely on to see me through each month. But you also stripped me of other distractions that have resulted in me focusing more on you. Things that I knew a little bit about, but are calling me to recognise and to go in depth with. Yahweh, I pray for the young adults and youth in your church. Mia, Angie, JB, Aaron, NJ, Kel and Lon, Kyle and Kylon, Anastasia, Kema, Keba, Delysia, Carnager, Jarrell, Isaiah, Rick, Micky, Lisha, Hasani, Amari, Glory, Harmony.
Yahweh, I pray that they are filled with your Spirit, that they would live for you. That they would seek your face in every season. May they feel your presence in their lives so that they will know you for themselves. Not religion, not through their parents, but you. To love and honour you. To glorify you. Teach them Yahweh, the joy that comes from knowing you. Let your will be done. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Godly Jealousy?
I’m curious, is it okay to be jealous? Like, “Yo! I want a relationship with Yahweh like that! Or , “I need my church to be on fire like that!” I know that Yahweh is jealous of us, but is it – can it be okay to be like, “I desire those things too.”