time with Yahweh during the day
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September 18, 2022


Thank you. It’s not as bad as it looked. A mechanic came to check out my vehicle. There are definitely some issues, but not one that requires major part replacement. I am grateful for that. Can you see the smile on my face? And the dance in my heart? Thank you so much. It still requires resources to be fixed so I’m waiting on your provision, but I am so thankful.

And today, Dad and I took two of the young ladies from church to pick fruits by another church member. Went for pommecythere and plum. Ended up with those, plus passion fruit, chataigne, mango and five finger. Definitely shared that. And I totally forgot the banana bread to give them. Face palm. Just remembered as I’m out here.

Thank you for provision.


Romans 12:9 – Love sincerely. Hate evil. Hold on to what is good.

Hold : cleave : kollaó : to glue, unite, adhere, join closely with, cement, fasten together.

Colossians 1:17 – He existed before everything and holds everything together.

Hold together : sunistėmi : to command, establish, place together, prove, to set up in the same place.

Psalm 73:23 – Yet, I am always with you. You hold on to my right hand.

Hold : achaz : to grasp, take hold, take possession, fasten.

This is the good holds. The things that Yahweh wants us to hold on to.  That which is good. It is also him holding on to us and holding the world together. When it says to hold, it’s almost an absolute: to be so connected with the good that it’s almost impossible to let go (unless of course we choose to).

Revelation 3:11 – I am coming soon! Hold on to what you have so that no one takes your crown.

Hold: krateó : to be strong, rule, prevail, obtain, take hold of, hold fast.

But the other aspect has the word, “not” or “stop” in front. So stop holding on to sin. Stop holding to anything that hurts you. Those must be let go.

But the last hold is a place. It is a place of refuge. A place of protection. But it can become a stronghold for good or bad. We need to move out of the places we run to when we feel threatened. They can seem safe and can be for a while. But then they cause us to stay in that place if we’re not careful. But Yahweh is calling us to step out of that place of man-made safety and to do what he asks. Even if it was a palace of safety designed by Yawheh, if we stay there when Yahweh is telling us to move, it becomes a stronghold that Satan can use. Be careful of the type of hold we are using and are in.

You know I kept praying for you not to let me fall. And then the times/deadlines were passed. But in that time soon after, you gave me a peace that we will get through this season. But I just came front and centre with the words to truly express what I’m thinking. That even though I fall (not into sin now), you will pick me up. And I’m really smiling right now. I, of course, went on the hunt for scripture about falling and being picked up, one stood out to me. As I read it, I realised that I already had it saved as a scripture of promise! Thank you so much! (I Can’t See and Nothing Between)

Micah 7:7-8 – I will look to the Lord. I will wait for God to save me. I will wait for my God to listen to me.  Don’t laugh at me, my enemies. Although I’ve fallen, I will get up. Although I sit in the dark, the Lord is my light.

I fell. The bills are overdue. Though no creditors have called. Late fees are being applied. I don’t yet know how I’m paying back the money, but you are my light. You will pick me up. Cause, you know, I can;t do it on my own. Thank you Yahweh for your provision, your love and your promises to us, to me.


I can see, I can see, the downfall of Satan (3x)

And this song just came to mind. That is the fall that Yahweh will not help up. Wherever we look Satan is falling and Yahweh is lifting us up. Thank you for your promises.

the words, "Though I fall, I will get up" written in blue and pink

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