August 26, 2022
That was a time and a half. Literally. Left home to do three things:
- Drop off some cocoa for Angie.
- Withdraw my salary from the bank.
- Go to the gas station.
- Exercise.
Facepalm. That’s four things. But only ended up doing three. Dropped off the cocoa and then Angie came along for the ride. Headed to the bank and could not find my card (this seems to be becoming a trend), so had to go all the way back home because if I did not withdraw today and tomorrow, it would be too late. So came home and went again. I went to a bank closer as I didn’t want to go back through all that traffic and crossed the gas station off the list because of traffic too. (The gas station and the bank I went to first were close to each other). Then I exercised. Something that was to take at maximum two hours, ended up taking four. But I’m home. Truthfully, there was the temptation to say that me forgetting the card was Yahweh’s way of saying don’t worry to give it all to him. It was tempting, but while I can’t claim to be an expert, I’ve heard Yahweh speak to know what is of him and what wasn’t. This is my sacrifice. More than just words. Yahweh – all that I have, all that I am belongs to you. Thank you for your grace and love in my life. I love you.