The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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February 24, 2023


1:33pm : at my desk, drinking tea

Yayyyy!! Actually stopped work to drink tea. I don’t know if it’s because it’s the month of February, but there are so many things coming up in my feed about singleness and (ironically) marriage. But the tone has changed from how things were done/said before. So that’s a plus.

So another plus is…actually question. Is my attraction metre off? I’ve not really dated S.D.A.’s and though the last guy is, he stated that he’s not likely to go to heaven if you were to come now. When I look around at my church community, single guys are non-existent and the two who are, aren’t compatible with me.

Why am I asking if my attraction metre is off? Because I actually saw a guy who was attractive to me. But he is not an SDA. And it made me realise that as I look around, it’s either I’m not seeing or they are not there. But not gonna lie, he did something that really appealed to me. I was removing some bud-bud from my clothes. The front of my blazer was very flowy and it clearly had touched something. I was removing from one side and he noticed and actually started taking off from the other side, no question asked. These are truly the things that make me take notice of a guy. I pray that I do meet someone with qualities like that. And I also realise that of course you know what I need.


8:49pm : getting ready for bed

I Thank God – Maverick City and Upper Room

There are times you wonder if we should continue. At the last prayer session, no one showed up, but there was prayer. Tonight almost everyone showed up. And there was prayer.

Yahweh, thank you. Thank you for the strength for today. It was an unexpected marathon, but by your grace we made it through. I bring before you once more your daughters. It seems that life is getting harder with no ease. But you are God. You are bigger than all our problems. You are our God and you love us. Thank you for showing your love for us. Thank you for answered prayers. I love you.


What am I thankful for today? 

  1. P2 being an absolute sweetheart and letting T who is blind drink water even though he started first.
  2. The guy being an absolute sweetheart and taking the bud-bud off my clothes.
  3. Your daughters in prayer.
  4. Purchasing a ton of meat for Monday. Yeah.

Watch Him Turn It – Travis Greene

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