time with Yahweh during the day
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July 4, 2022


Today we are officially going to check out the villa. I hope it is as nice as the pictures look. Hmmmm. Today I truly am quiet.

There are truly some simple things in life that bring me pleasure. Like pens. I could not find the metallic pens in the store and settled for some markers. They are nice, but not like the pens. Went into the sister store: they don’t usually sell them, but boom, they were resting there! Happy dance. They got me upset in the store though. Apparently they’ve changed their policy regarding looking at paper (rolls eyes so hard). Yes, paper is something else I love. I went to the section I usually go to, to check out the paper. The way the young lady spoke to me, I’ll admit I got upset. I felt attacked and almost walked out the store. But instead I took a couple deep breaths and spoke to the guy. I also said that she did not have to speak to me the way she did. If they have changed their policy regarding looking at paper (it is so hard for me not to roll my eyes again), then put up a sign or something because those of us who have been going to that store for years who would all encounter the same problem.

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