May 1, 2022
CONFESSION: I have always thought of the Bible as a serious book. One that must be studied and every word (seriously??!) memorised. Because… I don’t know why, I just did. I have never! Never felt the desire to just read the Bible. That whole reading of the Bible in a year thing? Never signed up for it. And honestly a lot of it had to do with, “You must study the Bible.” (Said in the deepest voice possible). So I would sit studiously and study. But guess what has happened this year? I’ve read Exodus all the way through twice. And while I am studying still, there are other aspects that I’ve absorbed by just reading. It’s almost like a difference between dressing up and going out on an official date and sitting home curled up on the couch just chilling (not Netflix and chill ehhh). Just you and your S.O. sitting in each other’s company, not necessarily saying much, just kinda in each other’s presence.
And the truth is they’re both valuable in developing the relationship.Â
And I am laughing right now because well, Yahweh truly makes me smile. So far each month, I have “done” something for the month. This month ideas were running through my head and I kept saying to myself, “Stop it.” Every other month Yahweh showed me what to do without me having to “figure out”” something. In fact, he’s actually kiboshed at times what I “figured out.” Towards the end of April, I started “studying” the end of Isaiah. I decided that I would read Jeremiah next because it was always what I felt was a “doom and gloom” book (Ezekiel too). And also another project that has an unknown start date was placed in my spirit and I honestly thought, I need to just read the Bible for this. But as I just finished reading the beginning of Proverbs, it truly hit me that I’ve never just read the Bible: it was always “study” the Bible. And I recognised what Yahweh was calling me to do this month.Â
Read the Bible.
Yes, still study, but just read also. Sit on the couch with him sometimes (plenty times) and don’t just focus on the dates. Both times/aspects are important for good. Since I’ve already started in Jeremiah, I’ll continue there and then switch back to Genesis. Yes, there will still be dates, but for this month? Lots of couch time.Â
- Fresh, like five minutes ago, fresh re-tie! Now I’m not one for perfectly coiffed locs, but still a fresh re-tie looks awesome.Â
- Testing after Testing.
- Next assignment. That makes it sound like a chore. It’s not. I’ve truly benefited and learnt from every assignment so far. Looking forward to this one.Â
- Yahweh said yes. To saving me. To protecting me. To so many things – I will rejoice in his no’s also.Â
- Jeremiah 1-9
Yahweh, it hard. It hard. Please be with him. Comfort him. He lost his sister, his daughter, his job and now his wife. Father, have mercy. Keep him close. He needs you. He needs you.