August 12, 2022
When you get a work call in the grocery and the person is so confusing with their questions that you walk out and leave your grocery. Facepalm.
So there is a soca song that says, “we don’t party normal,” talking about how Trinbagonians have a way they like to party. Well in our family? “We don’t cook food normal.” Lol. On the menu for Friday evening dinner: drumroll please.
- Biryani rice
- Black beans
- Pakora
- Tamarind Chutney
- Fried plantain
- Fried okra (which I am not ashamed to say that I am not a fan of).
- Pizza (which really mom made to carry for some folks)
- Passion Fruit Juice
This is the most interesting Indian inspired menu ever. Didn’t get to make the tikka masala fish. Truthfully though, I would love to have paneer. Don’t usually find it in my local supermarket though. Have some friends coming over for dinner. Should be fun.
I’m tired though, so honestly just sitting for a while before I shower.