Morning Star
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August 25, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh! Happy Thursday! These late nights! Got home from church about 8:30pm. Lol, I know, real late.

Thank you for a brand new day in you. Woke up with two songs on my mind this morning, “Power in Prayer” and “God has Smiled on Me.” Thank you for taking out the middleman so that we can come directly to you. Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross to save us and for your continued working in our lives, in my life to complete the work that you have started in me. Thank you for smiling on us (or as the KJV says – for shining on us) and for your graciousness towards us. You are my God and my king. Cleanse me of all that is not of you. Let my heart be in harmony with yours. Thank you Yahweh for all that you’ve done for me. Thank you for what you have asked me to do. To give up for you. Or rather to give back to you. Because it all belongs to you. Everything on this earth. Everything that I am. Everything that I have: granted it’s not much, but it is yours.

I’ve noticed that my desire for “things” is almost non-existent and that is definitely because of you. The desire to shop is barely there and that is definitely because of you. You’ve definitely changed parts of me from what I was before. And I am thankful.


Thank you for everything. Last night I realised something. It’s not a new thought, but it’s also why I believe we go through things in life. So that we can testify of you. Of your great works. We are all grateful for the million little miracles because without them we cannot breathe, but your testimony and the testimonies that we are called to share serves to glorify you. Shows how big a God you are. Well, shares a fraction of how big a God you are, because it can never fully show all of you. But I am thankful for the parts that you have shown. And even more thankful for the opportunity to tell, testify of you. The truth is, without these “risks,” these leaps of faith that you often call us to take, we wouldn’t experience for ourselves some of the things that you can do: we will only hear about it. But after you have healed our bodies, after you have mended our broken spirit, you don’t stop there.

CONFESSION: I recant what I said before. I think I already had, but I’m double checking. Because I believed for a long time that miracles occurred to correct a problem and I did not desire that my life or those who are around me would be constant problems that require the constant working of miracles. But, major, but, if (facepalm) because one of the gifts of the Spirit is to work miracles, there is another dimension. Miracles that happen. Miracles that are obviously different from healing (and it’s still intriguing to me that healing is a separate gift).

Miracle: definition

An extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs. An extremely, outstanding or unusual event, thing or accomplishment.

Miracle: (Bible definition)

A wonder or wonderful thing. An event or effect contrary to the established constitution and cause of things. Deviation from the known course of nature.

An event in the external world brought about by the immediate agency or the simple volition of God, operating without the use of means capable to human hands.

1 Corinthians 12:10 –  Another can work miracles. Another can speak what God has revealed. Another can tell the difference between spirits. Another can speak in different kinds of languages. Another can interpret languages.

Miracles : dunamis : (miraculous) power, might, strength, powerful deeds, power through God’s ability.

You can laugh because it’s funny. A bit embarrassing. I was expecting a word that I did not know. Dunamis: power. Specifically your power. Miracles are an exhibit of your power, your ability. Your opportunity to flex if you will. It’s not even tasking for you, but it does showcase who you are.

Something that I just observed: did a search for the word “miracle” in the Bible, but could barely find the word in the Old Testament, yet the Old Testament was replete with miracles. Everywhere you turned you bounced up on a miracle. But it appears (I stand corrected if needed) that the word miracles appears once in the Old Testament in Exodus in the King James Version.

Exodus 7:9 (KJV) – When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent.

Miracle : mopheth : a wonder, sign, portent, marvel, special display of God’s power.

I’ve got to be honest, but I am surprised (good surprised) that the first time the word “miracle” is used is from you. You said when they ask for a display of your power. Of what you can do. It is a testimony of you. Of your power. Which makes the scripture, “ They won the victory over him because of the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. They didn’t love their life so much that they refused to give it up.” (Revelation 12:11) take on a whole new meaning. And the last line just made me literally pause: they didn’t love their lives so much that they refused to give it up. You asked for me to give up certain things. For some miracles – some testimonies can only happen when we are willing to give up something, including our very lives. Give up our self-sufficiency. Give up the house. Give up the desire to know it all or to have it all. Even Aaron had to take his staff and then give it up – or in this case, throw it down. He had to be willing to let go of what he was holding on to in order to see your miracle/signs. Can I say that I’m speechless? Just speechless. Miracles don’t just happen because we believe. Miracles happen because we are willing to give it all up (whatever that all is for that moment).

Thank you for your miracles in my life. On this earth. Yahweh, I’m not gonna go around thinking, okay, I’m giving this up because I want to see a miracle, but I think that I will not hesitate to give up what you ask for because you are about to do a miracle and I definitely want to see that.

And I dare say, the bigger the ask (what you ask us to give up), the bigger the miracle. After all, when you asked Jesus to give up his life, you performed the biggest miracle of all: you saved the whole world. Thank you for you.

You are really surprising me. My brother (who also uses the Netflix account) just asked how much it is monthly, I told him, but also told him that I do not have a credit card. He said he will use his. See that in itself is a miracle. His willingness to pay this. Thank you.

Truthfully, though it seems that they are finally sending out the card, but Yahweh, I don’t plan to activate it. I truly want to get out from under these debts and granted it may become even tighter, but in the long run, it will be better. It’s actually what I did for another card: I did not activate it and the balance is almost half of what it used to be. I’m looking forward to the day that it is all cancelled. All my debts.

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