June 29, 2022
Impossible! But the world is full of zanies and fools.
Who don’t believe in sensible rules.
And don’t believe what sensible people say.
And because these daft and dewy eyed dopes, keep building up impossible hopes.
Impossible things are happening every day!
Good morning Yahweh. It’s not that strange as it seems to wake up with this song going through my head. Because the world sees Christians as zanies and fools who don’t believe in sensible rules. But we know that with you impossible things are happening every day.
Thank you for the answer of “impossible” prayers. Thank you for the move you make and what you often ask for us to do that seems impossible until it is done. Thank you for using us to fulfil your will on this earth. Thank you for being an awesome, incredible God who delights in us. Thank you for your grace and mercy that brought us through and your goodness and mercy that follows us when we follow you.
Thank you for bringing us safely though the tropical storm. I’m not sure if there was any major damage. I’ll see later, but in my little corner, my community, everyone is safe and I am thankful for that. This day is yours. I am yours. Today. Cleanse me and draw me even closer to you. I love you, Yahweh.
Romans 10:17 – So faith comes from hearing the message, and the message that is heard is what Christ spoke.
The more time we spend in God’s word, the more our faith is increased. The Bible is filled with “impossible” and I put it in quotes because it’s truly not impossible to you. But you require that we believe. You require that we trust you unconditionally so that the impossible can happen everyday. It won’t stay just as stories in the Bible, they will come alive around us everyday. In big and small ways. In the invisible and the visible. You open doors. You open hearts and minds. You do so much Yahweh. Thank you for all that you’ve done for us. All that you are.
Yahweh, I pray for this country. Our leaders. That they would open their heart’s eyes and see you. See what you are offering freely. See that you are love and that you desire what is best for us. I pray that they will trust you to lead. I remembered the movie, “The Lion King,” sometime last night and honestly thought that even the “world” knows that a bad, indifferent leader isn’t good for the pride. This was always evident in your word: a country is blessed by its leaders who follow you. Yahweh, I pray that our leaders do follow you. I pray especially for the one who is called to lead this island, that his first thought in the morning is to seek your face and his last thought before he sleeps is to thank you for the day. Restore this nation to you. Draw us to your side and I pray that as a people we will hold your hand, because you are holding us. Help us not to pull away, but to trust you in all things. Thank you for who you are. I love you to you and back.
Where is Our Faith?
“We don’t place our faith in a process, but in God alone.”
We need to remain confident in what he has promised. We need to remain confident in him, because he is faithful. Help me Yahweh to share your word so that others would come to know you and believe.
It’s interesting how we use faith and belief differently. But faith is belief. Belief is faith.
Confidence in Yahweh.
I kept having to go up and down the elevator at work. Every time there was always someone with me. The last time I came out of my office, there were a group of people by the door to go out to the corridor (for some reason when I reached the door, the elevator was further to my right). Eddie pushed his head from behind the first door and said he almost didn’t make me out, I had lost so much weight and that I looked hot. (This is embarrassing writing this down). Deeds said, but it’s time to get new clothes. Wendy and for some reason Angie were also there and as I walked to the elevator, Wendy ran to unlock it. Everyone else went to their car. When I asked why it was locked, she said it was to prevent some people from coming up and down all the time. She got into the elevator with me and waved her hands before every button so that it would stop at every floor. I smiled (I think) and then looked outside the glass of the elevator at people getting into their cars. The elevator started to move and then I woke up.