July 24, 2022
Good Morning Yahweh. I am so late!! I am so sorry and I know it’s not a rigid standard for me, especially considering the time I went to bed.
Question: With all the issues at the organisations, is there anything else you want me to do other than pray? And no this is not saying that prayer doesn’t work, I know it does, are there other physical things required?
I pray for our local church community. I ask for your spirit to break down walls, barriers. To tear down strongholds of tradition and personal preference that is tearing the church apart. You desire one body in you and for too long, we are covering up, hiding, pretending, putting on a face but denying you. Yahweh cleanse me. Renew me in you so that the words I speak would be acceptable to you. Let our leaders return to you. Let their hearts find rest in your word and in your truth and be sanctified by you. Help them to love you and to serve you with all honesty. Recognising that flaws exist but that your blood covers all and that we need to surrender to you.
Yahweh, help me to work on my assignment diligently: ideas and ways to build your church and not harm. To help our youth have a deeper relationship with you. To know you for themselves. To honour you.
Yahweh, I pray for Isaiah. Honestly he seems much younger than seventeen. I pray that his desire would be to have that relationship with you. That he would find ways to seek your face and to know you intimately.
Thank you Yahweh for your grace. Your grace that covers all our sins whether public or private. Help us to have a contrite heart. Help me if I have anyone on a pedestal, to remove them. I didn’t think I did and I know they weren’t idols, but definitely an, “I expected better of them.” Help me to keep my focus on you. Not to the detriment of earthly relationships but as an enhancement. Keep me Yahweh in you, that the light would be a true reflection of you. That I don’t seek my own desires or wants above you. Actually that my desires would be aligned with you. Teach me your will and help me to walk in your way. Place a wall around this household. I ask for any curse, words, anything that is not of you to bypass this household, this house. That is anything that is present in this house that is not of you be cast out and the walls repaired with you as the centre so that they cannot enter in. I give you rule, reign and dominion over this home so that your light will shine: will enlighten and keep us on the path of righteousness. Thank you for your love and your peace. Thank you for who you are. I love you.
Romans 12:1 – Brothers and sisters, in view of all we have just shared about God’s compassion, I encourage you to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, dedicated to God and pleasing to him. This kind of worship is appropriate for you.