Morning Star
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January 20, 2022

Thank you Yahweh for a new day and for waking me up. For giving me another opportunity to get it right and to spend time with you. How are you? Thank you for being pleased, you make me smile. I was legit tired yesterday. Not even sure why I felt so tired (I guess it’s the Wednesday body blues) but I was. 

What will you have me do today? Help me to let go. It’s interesting. It’s going to be interesting to find that balance between discipline/self control and letting go. But so much of who you are is paradoxical.

Paradoxical: in a way that seems impossible or difficult to understand because of containing two opposite facts or characteristics.

You are the creator of this world, yet you are a servant. You as Christ are both human and divine. You are consistent, you never change, but you never do the same thing the same way twice. We are free in you, yet we are bound in you. I have to learn self control in you, yet I have to also let go.

SIDEBAR: Judges 20 & 21 – The tribe of Benjamin was almost wiped out because of the evil they did to the Levites concubine and refused to repent for it. The Lord approved the other tribes going to war with Benjamin. The tribe, women and children included, was wiped out except for 600 men who hid. 

Psalm 37:7,8 – Surrender yourself to the Lord and wait patiently for him. Do not be occupied with an evildoer who succeeds in his way when he carries out his schemes. Let go of anger, and leave rage behind. Do not be preoccupied. It only leads to evil. 

Surrendering to Yahweh. It’s not just a word, it’s a heart posture. It’s the rest where we submit a will to him. We don’t seek to defend ourselves. We wait on him and trust that he has not forgotten us. When we seek to go about with our own schemes, we have to continue to maintain our own schemes. But once we rest in Yahweh, he will maintain whatever he puts into motion. It’s not enough to do the motions externally of waiting, though he would always recognize that (e.g. Job), but the heart has to truly let go. I don’t think it is as easy as it sounds and it requires constant, daily, minute by minute surrender. Probably why I have to take this year: to truly surrender. Which is a comfort to know that Yahweh doesn’t expect it to happen overnight and done. Thank you for your patience with me. 

Psalm 46:10 – Let go of your concerns. Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth. 

(Another paradox: he rules the nations and the earth, but he will NOT force anyone. We have free will). It’s only when we let go of our worries and concerns that we are truly able to see Yahweh in action in our lives. We aren’t called to “push up” ourselves to get a seat at the table – he prepares the table for us; when we trust him. 

Letting go requires trusting him in every aspect of our lives. Not just one or two, but every aspect. Sigh, including me orchestrating, “Okay, I’ll message today.” You may instruct me to, but I won’t have to orchestrate it. I have a lot to learn about truly letting go. Yahweh, thank you for being my helper. Still amazing that you who rules the nation want to help us, help me. Thank you. 

Psalm 138: 7, 8 – Even though I walk into the middle of trouble, you guard my life against the anger of my enemies. You stretch out your hand, and your right hand saves me. The Lord will do everything for me. Oh Lord, your mercy endures forever. Do not let go of what your hands have made.

On the flip side, you would never let go. You hold us tight and guard us. We can let go, because you won’t. Not quite what I mean or think. We need to hold unto you and let go of our circumstances and situations. You will hold us AND our circumstances. Because you big (and NOT dunce). You are bigger than all my problems, bigger than all my fears. But you are small enough to fit into my heart. Plus all my fears reside in my heart, so once you are there, the more I let you in, the more fear leaves. 

Sad truth, when it comes to you and our relationship with you, we often expect immediate results. But we put in the time for so many other things that aren’t as important. You can work in an instant AND over time. So I will take the time and let go. 

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