February 28, 2023 2:24 pm : at my tiny desk Thank you Yahweh. I was able to renew the hosting for the site. I’m not sure where this is going or who it is for, but there seems to always be an issue arising that discourages me from going forward. This time the card …
My Champion
February 28, 2023 3:10 am Good Morning Yahweh. It’s a new day. I think I always celebrate the last day of the month as it shows the passage of time. Not that time isn’t flying all the time, but there is something special about the end of the month. Yahweh, thank you for your …
Stop the Music
February 27, 2023 5:47 am : cooking (well, the fire cooking. I’m overseeing). Confession: I love to cook, but I don’t like to cook. What’s the difference you ask? I can cook really well (no, not boasting, just stating a fact). I enjoy cooking. I love the result when good food is enjoyed. But …
I Will Trust You
February 27, 2023 1:30am : too tired to sleep properly Singing God can do anything, anything, anything! God can do anything but fail!! I learnt this song years ago. As in I was probably just approaching the double digits years ago. It always stuck with me, but I realised as I looked …
Miracle Working Business
February 26, 2023 12:27 pm : resting My aim today was to sleep late and then prep for this afternoon. That did not happen. Started to prep, then had to get one thing that I thought I had. Left home (Mom came with me) and came back home two hours later. It was to …
Covenant of Peace
February 26, 2023 5:47 am : truly wanting to sleep in late Good Morning Yahweh. You are good. I am loved. Thank you for being good. Thank you for being God. Thank you for your never-ending grace. For knowing us, for seeing us. Yahweh, help me to know you and to honour you …
Social Life (or Lack Thereof)
February 25, 2023 9:10pm : in my bed on a Saturday night I think I need to find a social life. Not sure how though. Not into clubs or party scenes and don’t really have a lot of places that I can think of to go by myself and meet others. And most of …
Still Creating
February 25, 2023 6:10am : attempting to sleep longer but it wasn’t happening Thank you Yahweh for another day. A day that you made. We often speak about creation week as though you stopped creating at the end of it, but you haven’t. You are still creating, you are still making things new. You …
There Was Prayer
February 24, 2023 1:33pm : at my desk, drinking tea Yayyyy!! Actually stopped work to drink tea. I don’t know if it’s because it’s the month of February, but there are so many things coming up in my feed about singleness and (ironically) marriage. But the tone has changed from how things were done/said …
Not an Easy Prayer
February 24, 2023 5:30am Thank you Yahweh. Singing I wanna be tried by fire. Purified. You take whatever you desire. Lord, here’s my life. Yahweh, this is my prayer. Truly woke up with this song in my thoughts and I know it’s not an easy prayer. It’s definitely not painless. But even on …