March 13, 2023 2:56 am – in my bed, feeling slightly nauseous. Dear Yahweh. I have a lot to learn. And I realise that for the past year I’ve actually avoided videos etc on marriage because a large part of me felt that if I’m focusing on you, I’m focusing on you and I …
All Our Needs
February 23, 23023 5:44 am When it says that you will supply all our needs and then we lose our job, get evicted and living on the streets, does that mean that in that season we didn’t need a place to live? Good Morning Yahweh. Can I be honest? I love this scripture but …
Casting My Cares
February 28, 2022 Do you know what this means? It’s the end of February! Today is the last day. I am shooketh. I don’t even know why. But time truly seems to be moving quickly and then it’s just over four weeks to my birthday! It’s funny, the last couple years I felt no …
Don’t Lose Focus
January 10, 2022 I was so excited to start typing that when I completed my work work, I was about to jump straight into typing up the journal entries. But, without Yahweh nothing is possible. I don’t know where the energy came from this morning (well, I do) but thank you Yahweh for enabling me …
Take the Limits Off!!
January 3, 2022 Thank you Yahweh for this time with You. Thank you for your grace, mercy. Your care. This morning was a hit the ground running type of morning. I am thankful for the opportunity to work and to do work that I enjoy. Thank you for changing/adjusting my perspective. Help me to …