The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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January 27, 2023


4:20 pm : In my room trying real hard not to feel depressed.

Weirdly enough, it was a good day and that’s probably the problem. It’s a good day but I don’t really have anyone to share it with. Mom and Dad listen at times but then it’s off to do what they do and then it’s me alone. And I keep saying that I won’t be sad, but I am at times. I’m still gonna wait on Yahweh. I’m not gonna gripe and complain, but I can say that I’m sad at times and insecurities threaten to raise their heads again.

But I’ll praise you in this storm. And I will lift my hands. For you are who you are, no matter where I am. And every tear I’ve cried, You hold in your hand. You’ve never left my side and though my heart is torn, I’ll praise you in this storm.

The goodness that the torn is not heartbreak torn. And I am thankful for your healing. Thank you for your love. Thank you for who you are and for being my God and King. Thank you for being my father. You are worthy of my song. My voice. My dance. I love you.



You’re a good, good father. 

It’s who you are (3x)

And I’m loved by you.

It’s who I am.


Thank you for being perfect in all your ways even though (I’ll confess), I don’t always understand your ways. Help me to move in your will.


6:56 pm : 

Isaiah 43:19 – I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don’t you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.

Habakkuk 1:5 – Look among the nations and watch. Be amazed and astonished. I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if it were reported to you.

Isaiah 55:11 – My word, which comes from my mouth, is like the rain and snow. It will not come back to me without results. It will accomplish whatever I want and achieve whatever I send it to do.”

Jeremiah 17:7 – Blessed is the person who trusts the Lord. The Lord will be his confidence.

Lamentations 3:21-23 – “The reason I can still find hope is that I keep this one thing in mind: the Lord’s mercy. We were not completely wiped out. His compassion is never limited. It is new every morning. His faithfulness is great.

What am I thankful for today? 

  1. Your mercies are new every morning.
  2. Dedicated workers. Truly there are members of staff who work well.
  3. Feeling lonely. I’m also sitting in the prayer session – by myself. Sigh. I will rejoice because I will choose to appreciate what I don’t have.
  4. Doing what Yahweh asks. At least I’m mostly sure it was/is him.

Yahweh, thank you for your amazing love.


8:28 pm : 

I’m turning off my phone. Completely. And going to bed. Hopefully I sleep. I am going to embrace my aloneness tonight and just be by myself.

Yahweh. Am I on the right track? Have I made an unscheduled detour?

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