March 13, 2023
6:23 am
So. So. The podcast I was watching. After a little while, I dozed off. I woke up back and heard this sentiment: a lot of people ask about dating sites. (FYI – nothing was really talking about that before other than one guy stating he met his soon-to-be wife on a dating site). And he recommends putting ourselves out there including dating sites and Instagram. Don’t have the page on private. Don’t give up.
I honestly paused and rewatched and I thought about it. Where I am, the dating websites and apps don’t really cater for us, but I can set up a personal IG account. Using my birthday pictures. I’ll be open – won’t be set to private. I’ll be honest. Not everything being posted however, but not hiding myself. Not anymore.
12:20 pm : at my desk
I’m about to have lunch. Feels good. Seeing plans coming together. Happy dance!
8:49pm : almost ready for bed
Waxing philosophical. There is beauty in the simple things of life. In the repeated moments. In the everyday. Excitement is good. But everyday can’t be a high. We will burn out. So I am thankful for the quiet days.
The boss’ boss approved us going for the conference in Trinidad. Happy dance! I won’t have to prepare any meals for two days. This is awesome. And I’ll learn stuff.
What am I thankful for?Â
- Â Â Expense paid trip to Trinidad!
-   Accidentally interlocking my hair. Hadn’t planned to today, but it happened.
- Â Â Directions to do something completely out of my comfort zone. This is going to be fun!
Thank you for today. What was accomplished. What wasn’t. For your words. Thank you for you. I love you.