February 12, 2023
Good Morning Yahweh. I will celebrate each new day. Thank you for the day. For your grace and your love.
Yahweh, is there anyway to remind the old people at church what it was like to be young? Before they learnt to fit into the box and sit quietly? We equate silence to reverence. It’s not. Silence is just that – silence.
Reverence: a feeling or attitude of deep respect, love and awe for something sacred. To regard, to fear mingled with respect and affection.
We’ve taken reverence to mean that we can’t laugh. Actually as a list of don’t. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Don’t move. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. Until as you get older that all you do is don’t do stuff. But then they’re trying to get people to sing. And they don’t. Trying to get people to answer a question and they don’t. Because we’ve spent so much time teaching “don’ts” as reverence.
Yahweh, help us to truly show you reverence – to be in awe and respect and show love to you. To honour you in all things because you are worthy.
(Yahweh, strengthen me in the church, I will remain planted, so that the next generation will hopefully have a better? A more honest relationship with you). You are God and we ought to show you reverence. You delight in our praises. You are wonderful in all things. Help me to show you the youths that are there. Help the, to come to know you for themselves and to honour you – not as an expression of sitting quiet, but in a true expression of their love for you.
Keep us Yahweh in your will. To honour you in all things. I love you.
I don’t know what to do. I want to go hiking, but it was raining last night and it’s supposed to rain later today. But the hike is alongside a river. I’m truly concerned because rivers have a tendency to come down when it rains, but I really want to hike. What to do?
Yayyyy!!! Hike!! So changing the location, but going hiking!! Happy dance!!
Sooooo. I’m really not dead. Yayyyy!! Now granted I don’t put my head in the sand, but sometimes I do wonder if something is wrong with me because I don’t usually see guys I’m attracted to. Remember seeing one in real life a couple weeks ago and then today saw this “media personality” talking about Yahweh and was like, “he’s actually fine.” But don’t worry, I’m not the type of person to sit and go coo-coo for a media personality. It’s just nice to remember. Sad thing though, I’m still attracted to Jeffers. Though it’s not wrong, I am still working on moving on.
This rain is messing with my feelings! Tears. I don’t know what to do.
8:07 am : parked looking at French Fort
So no hike, but we’re going and check out a destination for a hike next week. And since I was dressed to drop Dad and I don’t want to go home and just be there until it’s time to go again in an hour or so. I decided to have some quiet time. Me and you.
Yahweh, how are you?
I think at this moment. I am contented. Which is this case does not mean satisfied because I know that there is so much more for me to do and so much more that you have promised to do. But I am content knowing that you are leading. Knowing that you are here. Thank you for loving us.
It’s been a year and seven months since I locked my hair. In the past week I’ve really been noticing the growth from day one to now. There are no regrets with locking it. Thank you for the growth. I pray to also keep growing in you. I love you – to you and back.