July 13, 2022
Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! I was posting on the site and realised that the scriptures were not automatically linked to. I was checking Google Tag Manager (six months ago I had no idea what that was), and everything was well there. So I had to check the code on WordPress. I wasn’t even finding the section and was about to walk away and do something else when the spirit said “Just put it in another section.” I did and the links are working again! It seems that when they updated, it removed the code for the Tag Manager. In future, I would have to check it every time it updates.
The chains that binds us are an indication of how much the devil wants to prevent us from doing what God calls us to do.
When Jesus changes me, but not my circumstances, it’s so that I can be a witness of what to do it in the same circumstances. On Sunday, someone told me that I exhibit such joy as a Christian ( even though there are sad days) that it encourages them when many of the other members of the church just give them a spirit of discouragement. Today another young lady said that she would have left the church if I hadn’t encouraged her. The thing that I’m now realising – I thought my assignment was to challenge the beliefs that are not of Yahweh, but today I also realised that my other assignment was to show that even in imperfect situations, even when services are draining you, you can still praise God. Shame face, I wasn’t even thinking that others were looking at me. Yahweh, I pray for your continued strength and peace to live a life that is Holy acceptable to you. To be a witness of your love.
Matthew 5:16 – In the same way let your light shine in front of people. Then they will see the good that you do and praise your Father in heaven.
CONFESSION: I would have pushed this scripture far from my thoughts. Not because it isn’t true, but because it was forced on my church at church so much as a kid that I stopped thinking about it. But we are called to shine our lights, which is truly Jesus’ light. Lol. Of course I remembered a song: Shine your Light by Babbie Mason. There is a line that says, ” Is anybody hurting and sitting right next to you.” And the truth is, we don’t always know and that’s why he calls us to live in such a way that we always show the love of Christ.
I am using a black ink pen. I have not used one in almost three months and it’s a bit strange. I’m just writing for the fun of it.
These days I am in a sketching mood. I am not sure what I want to sketch though, but I want to sketch.
And I sketched “Shine your light.” It seemed appropriate. I need to shower now but I just felt like relaxing. I have a meeting this evening where we will start planning for the design of a book.