October 20, 2022
Good Morning Yahweh. From since last night the word “Selah” has been on my thoughts. The most “accepted” meaning of Selah is to pause (or rest) and think on this. Yahweh for the next three days (today, tomorrow and Saturday), I am pausing and thinking on it. Thinking about you. What you have said. I pray for a heart of understanding. A heart that will learn what is this new thing that you are doing. A heart that perceives and eyes that see. Yahweh, you know my heart better than I do. Anything that needs clearing out, please bring to the forefront. Help me to always be willing to forgive. There is this misguided (in my opinion) notion that in forgiving someone, you embrace them into your circle. But the truth is, just because we made the choice to forgive someone, does not mean that the person gave up the reasons for how they were acting. Help us to be wise in our choices: knowing what is good or bad and walking there in. Yahweh, thank you for your presence here. Thank you for understanding us. Thank you for the recognition that work is part of life, but then so is rest.
Yahweh, you are the epitomé of good. You are gracious and mighty. Yahweh, I love you because you are and you are exactly who you say you are. I love you. Amen.
Psalm 44:8 – All day long we praise our God. We give thanks to you forever. Selah
What are we praising you for?
- You are holy.
- You are exactly who you say you are.
- You are most beautiful and I truly long to see your face. To see your full character displayed.
- You smile at your children. Cause you are an awesome Dad.
- You are gracious. You extend grace at all times. We are never without it.
- You are the King of all kings. You have the power to immediately wipe out false pretenders, but you don’t.
Psalm 46:1-3 – God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in times of trouble.
2 That is why we are not afraid
even when the earth quakes
or the mountains topple into the depths of the sea.
3 Water roars and foams,
and mountains shake at the surging waves. Selah
- You are a place of protection.
- You are a place of strength.
- We do not need to fear anything because even the world on a whole is going crazy – even though my little world is shaking like crazy. I can fix myself on you.
You are my firm foundation.
Things that we often don’t expect to shake are shaking or going to shake in this season. Mountains are usually solid, immovable features in nature that don’t move. Yet it shakes at the surging waves.
Unshakeable doesn’t mean that we are inflexible, but that even as we are buffeted by the waves, we are firmly planted in Jesus, that it does not work. Yahweh thank you for that firm foundation.
Thank you for the shaking so that all that remains is unshakeable. It is not always a pleasant experience, but if it settles me in you, Yahweh, I will endure.
If it draws us closer together, I will remain. If I get to see more of your face (your character, who you are), I will rejoice at the shaking. Thank you for who you are.
For the Lord is beside us.
With him we cannot lose.
Though the shadows surround us,
We will fear no evil.
We’ll trust in the Lord with our hearts
And in your joy we will dwell forever.
Yahweh, I am trusting you and I will dwell in your presence. I am listening.