August 13, 2022
I’m gonna see the victory, for the battle belongs to you Lord.
Yahweh, thank you for being the almighty, the powerful God that you are. Sometimes when I hear certain statements I do wonder who is more powerful. Well I don’t wonder, but I do wonder who “they” think is more powerful: You or Satan? Hands down it’s you. But when we say things like, “don’t say it out loud because Satan could…” I do wonder why they are afraid to speak. Guess what? I’m saying it all out loud because I believe in you and so I speak (2 Corinthians 4:13). I think the devil will like nothing more than for us to be quiet. To have quiet faith. But you spoke out loud and brought forth a world. And while that is not in our ball park (or even close to), you did say to speak to the mountain and it will be moved, not think to the mountains. Speak to the mountain.
Yahweh, help me to stand in you and what you have spoken and ask for us to speak. Help me to trust you and to let go. I am your living sacrifice. I love you. Amen.
- A day in the presence of Yahweh. Caveat: I spend every day in his presence, but some days are more special.
- A new speaker!! Well, discovering a new (to me) speaker who does not speak slowly!
- You are more powerful than any other being.
- I finished my retie! Not sure how long ago the last one was, but it feels like almost two months.
- 2 Chronicles 13-31.
- All persons for the retreat are able to attend!!
It’s Saturday night. Most folks are out with friends etc. I’m home listening to a sermon and typing up the journal. And I probably should feel weird and out of touch and I’ll admit I do feel out of touch. But you know what else? I’m actually enjoying myself. And it’s a sermon on relationships. Let me tell you, I didn’t think I would want to listen to a sermon on relationships. But I am.
So I did an enneagram test. Because why? I don’t even know. Apparently I am a Four. The Individualist.