Romans 2:14-15 – For example, whenever non-Jews who don’t have the laws in Moses’ Teachings do by nature the things that those laws contain, they are a law to themselves even though they don’t have any of those laws. They show that some requirements found in Moses’ Teachings are written in their hearts. Their consciences speak to them. Their thoughts accuse them on one occasion and defend them on another.
I’ve always said it. Though I’ve used the scripture that we all have an “unction” of the Holy Spirit (btw, unction does not mean what I thought). That we all have a sense of right from wrong even if we’ve never “heard” of Yahweh. If you have been dropped in the middle of the jungle with no people at six months and survived (yes, Yahweh does take care of children), you would still know what’s right and what’s wrong.
Romans 4:20 – He didn’t doubt God’s promise out of a lack of faith. Instead, giving honour to God for the promise, he became strong because of faith.
You know what I love about this? Abraham was promised six times that he would be a father. He had a child by his wife’s maid servant. But still his faith is counted as confident. The moment you believe the promise, that’s what Yahweh holds to. Even if we stumble and doubt, then believe again, he doesn’t hold on to the doubting part, he chooses the new moment of trust as the point of faith. Not looking back at the gaps.
What if the law of Moses was issued by Yahweh so that we can have a practical example/visual of what Jesus died to save us from?
Romans 5:13 – Sin was in the world before there were any laws. But no record of sin can be kept when there are no laws.
Romans 5:20 – The laws in Moses’ Teachings were added to increase the failure. But where sin increased, God’s kindness increased even more.
We would not have known the magnitude of what Yahweh saved us from if the laws weren’t given with their consequences. I remember an officer who was perpetually late. The boss spoke to her many times about her lateness, but there was no improvement. One day the boss asked me to tally the hours she was late for the month (fun job). With a 40 hour work week, the hours that supposed to be worked in a month was 160 hours. The officer had lost almost 20 hours due to lateness. It wasn’t until we actually showed her the tally that it hit her how much time she was losing. That’s what the written laws did. Showed us what Yahweh wanted to save us.