Morning Star
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January 7, 2022

Revelation Song

(I won’t write all)

  1. He still loves me. Yahweh that is, just in case there was any confusion. He will always love me.
  2. Yahweh desires to bless me
  3. He wants to have a relationship with me.
  4. We work together like cogs.
  5. He is consistent. And growth and healing happens when I am also consistent.
  6. He is always preparing me. and right now, part of my life is about preparation and another about moving forward.
  7. He is not going to show me the whole journey, but at times he will reveal key points to keep me encouraged.
  8. Pride is exalting myself above Yahweh. Believing we can do this without him. (Don’t do that).
  9. I can be confident in Yahweh and what he has said because he will watch over his word to make it true.
  10. I don’t need to stress about my hours of sleep. My mind is not racing. Trust that my body knows how much sleep it needs.
  11. Yahweh wants to provide the desires of my heart. But in the best time and season. Trust his timing.
  12. Emotions are not bad. Yahweh created them as a guide for us. But we are not to be controlled by them.
  13. Don’t worry. Share your concerns and allow Yahweh to work on them.
  14. Doing the “right” thing is not equivalent to a relationship. Job was doing the right thing, but he had no relationship with Yahweh until after his experience.
  15. I need to be disciplined for the rest of my life. It needs to become second nature to me.


I used to hope (and honestly a part of me still does) that somethings would just fall into place. That way I wouldn’t have to be careful about what I eat. That I wouldn’t have to exercise to stay healthy. That things would just “work” out. Finances etc BUT that is not the case. I have to be disciplined in seeking Yahweh. I have to be disciplined about how I eat. I have to be disciplined about money (I still need a lot of help with this one). I cannot do any of these things on my own strength. I don’t have the willpower to not spend. But you do.

Yahweh, in this season of initiation to discipline, I need you (I will always need you ehh). But I want to truly develop self control. Physically also, because you know, that is a part of who I am, but it needs to be under your control and not running rampant in my body.

Proverbs 8:33 – Listen to discipline and become wise. Do not leave my walls. 

Wisdom comes when you hear and follow instructions.

Job 5:17 – Blessed is the person whom God corrects. That person should not despise discipline from the Almighty.

No lie, I had kinda forgotten that discipline also means correction. Yahweh, correct my path. When I begin to stray, lead me back to where you desire me to be. I may not be very fond of correction, but it is a necessary part of life. And truly when you care about someone’s well-being, you correct them when they are going wrong. Forgive me for the times I have resisted your correction in whatever form it may have been.

Yahweh I bring before you Christine. Is this how you feel towards us at times? We don’t tek telling? Because it seems that no matter how much we speak to her about her actions, there is no change. But Yahweh, you still work miracles. Work in her life. To work as unto you and not unto man. Work on her heart.

Proverbs 25:28 – Like a city broken into and left without walls, so is a person who lacks self-control.

Revelation: Fasting also serves to develop self-control.

Yahweh, I don’t want to be unprotected. It’s a scary thought. Can you be my fence? My wall? My protection. Help me to build the habits that will develop self-control in my life. All areas of my life. Thank you for your revelation. Thank you for being my strength.

Titus 2:11, 12 – After all, God’s saving kindness has appeared for the benefit of all people. It trains us to avoid ungodly lives filled with worldly desires so that we can live self-controlled, moral and godly lives in this present world.

To live according to Yahweh’s will is to live in control of our various appetites. But that control is not through will power – I can do it!! Yes I can!! type of thing. But the recognition that it is only in Yahweh we live and breathe and because of that, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

Thank you for your strength to face today. It is yours. This is your day. Day 7. Of the year. Of the fast. A number of completion. Next up Day 8. New beginnings. In you and for you. Thank you for being Jehovah Ma’uzzi, for being Jireh, for being Rapha and the many other ways that you fill me and make me new.

No lie, it feels weird spending so much time with you. Not bad weird, just different. I pray that time spent together will be quality time (facepalm). One of my love languages is quality time. How could I have even expected to have a relationship with you without that? And there is also the recognition that each person’s relationship with you will differ because their love language will also differ. Someone who is about gifts will definitely see that as most important and we need to recognise these differences in each other and not impose ours on others. Thank you Yahweh. I love you.

SIDEBAR: Weird interesting side effect of praying, fasting and making the bed: I’m keeping my room cleaner. It’s not that the room used to be dirty, but would have clothes in a corner etc. For the week I haven’t done that.



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