time with Yahweh during the day
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September 2, 2022


Sometimes we don’t realise that the answers to radical prayers would take you through extreme situations. The song “Soul’s Anthem” is a perfect example of that.

Teach me how to love you.

Show me how to trust you.

More than with my words or with a song.”

And this (in my own words) has been my prayer. Also to be used to bless others for miracles and those things you read about in the Bible. To have faith like Abraham. But the flipside is this, in order for Yahweh to answer these prayers he has to put us through the paces. He has to put us in a situation where we have to trust him with more than just our words. He will strip us of everything that we would often rely on so that we will rely on him. That we will truly trust him with more than just words. When we have to walk it out it’s a different story. But one that truly grows our faith. One where we see miracles. But it’s not without risk. The bigger the potential to have an impact, the bigger the risk that we have to take and the greater possibility of looking like an idiot. But Yahweh took the greatest risk first. He risked everything for us. But the beautiful part of it? He is also the guarantee for the risk. Yahweh, I just told someone that I desire to glorify you with this testimony and I do. And like with Elijah, I’m praying that you will show off. Thank you. For real, thank you.

So I have a problem. Sigh, yes another one. It’s a perpetual case of, “I never heard that!” You were right there! “Maybe I left the room.” No. No you didn’t. But it’s been like this for years and no matter how many times we say, can you listen? Take a moment and hear the conversation, it always comes down to: I didn’t hear that. And I don’t know what to do. I do pray about it, haven’t seen any changes in all these years and it’s discouraging.

Is this how you feel when you’re talking for years and we not hearing? How are you so patient?  Okay, well you are and then you get angry and get our attention by sending us to Babylon or the modern day equivalent. Yahweh, help me to be patient and to not get upset. To respond in kindness and your words. I also pray that they do decide to listen. Thank you for your grace and patience. Amen.


Isaiah 57:11 –

Whom did you dread and fear so much that you lied to me?
You haven’t remembered me or cared about me.
I’ve been silent for a long time.
Is that why you don’t fear me?

So when we consistently don’t listen, you go silent for a while. Just to see if we will miss you in the silence. And I so did not go looking for this text, but was reading Isaiah.

Thank you once more for provision. Gasoline in the vehicle! Yayyyy!!

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