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March 11, 2022


What I love about Friday evenings: rest. Even when I was attending school full time and working full time at the same time, Friday evenings I slept. Though it is possible my insomnia (well what became insomnia) started then. I worked nights I’m 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., then school from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. most days. With an hour or two break between classes. So Fridays (did not work Friday nights), I would be in bed by 7:00 most nights.

Sometimes when I look back, I wonder how I used to manage (Yahweh). I was somehow involved in a youth group on Sundays and a second job every other Sunday. The energy of youth, yes. I would not dream of doing that now. Just thinking about it is making me more tired. 



  1. Help and RaeRae. I’ll be honest, that was more than just help. He did his thing.
  2. Full body workout (Haven’t done one in a hot minute. And the trainer decides to do circuits. My muscles definitely say hello).
  3. Mangoes!!


Yahweh, your sense of humour is not funny. Just say it. Here I am waxing philosophical about Friday rest only to get asked to go on the road to collect something. The upside? (No, I ain’t mad, lol), we got mangoes! I love mangoes – in and out of season. When in season, I get a lot, peel them, remove the seed and then freeze. So I have for my smoothies year round. 

Thank you for today and for your presence in my life (or is it me in your presence?). Thank you for being the God above, the only God who helps his people. Those “other gods” have nothing on you. They can’t even lift a finger for themselves. But you? You continue to move in my life. You continue to help. You take care of us and you provide for us. Sigh. We are nothing without you, even the person that doesn’t want to acknowledge you is nothing without you. Thank you for your love. 

Remember my brother. Touch him and heal him and help him to listen and to rest. Because he thinks he’s the energizer bunny. But he’s not! Keep him in your will. Thank you for your grace with us. Help us to move in your will. Help me to move in you. You are …I have no words. You just are. I love you Yahweh. 

Look at trouble here. Well thankfully trouble avoided (with my hands lifted). I went outside to bring in the dogs and wash down the yard, only to see Alex’s dog playing with what looked like a shadow. I called the dog. Usually he likes to ignore people but this time he came. When I went into the garage I realised that the shadow was a toad. He left all the other dogs to play with a toad. Though it has me thinking: aren’t we like that a lot? We take we good good self, in a good good place and somehow find the toxic friend, item, experience to go “play” with. Next thing we in trouble and need rescuing. Thank you Yahweh you are still in the rescuing business. Thank you. 

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