February 5, 2024
5:37 am
Dream (that I did not immediately realise was a dream)
A woman who was good with natural medicine had a compound where people would visit her. One day a woman (whose face I could not place) was there and she was pregnant and ready to give birth. She was made to lie down on this mat that was set up. It was someone that I knew well though, but the medicine woman kept being interrupted by visitors. Before that though, we had to call her from wherever she was to come and help deliver the baby. It was an outside scene at this point. When she came, it kinda now looked like inside the building, but people kept coming and she would keep stepping away. I held the belly to make sure the child was still kicking. The baby was. When she came back this time and then was called again, I ordered her to stay and I went to deal with the people. It was two children (who had walked ahead) and their father. I waited for the father to come. By the time he came to the building it was raining and I was waiting on the first floor. He was heading to the ground floor and didn’t hear me calling him so I had to run downstairs and stop him from entering the building.
Then about five other persons showed up also trying to see the doctor/medicine woman. I had to shout to get their attention and then said that they would not go in as a baby was being delivered. At first they were still clamouring to get in and pretty much had to get them to calm down which they eventually did.
When I checked (Peeped into the room), the baby was delivered and the room cleared so I let them in to write down their names in the book. The day’s page was already full (Tuesday), that I was searching for them to write on the next Tuesday page and couldn’t find it. Eventually crossed out a page titled “Feed” and let them write their names on that page. The dream ended.
Dear Yahweh,
I do not know if this is a dream-dream or the food I ate last night and the episode I watched last night-dream. But you do. Yahweh, I pray for your guidance, direction and interpretation if it’s a dream-dream from you dream. Help me to understand what it means and what I ought to do. Yahweh, let your will be done. Let my thoughts, my actions be of you. Help me to be your true representatives on earth. Cleanse me from all bitterness. Help it not to be a part of me. Help me to have the spirit that comes from you. That moves according to your will. Thank you for your grace and favour in my life. I love you.
Thought – I’m not sure if I was really the person yelling for help and then stopping the people from coming in. I think I just saw the dream from that perspective and assumed it was me. Because the hands that touched the belly were male and the perspective of the person was that they loved the pregnant woman and didn’t want anything to happen to them. But other than that, I wasn’t sure if they were male or female, but the dream was from their perspective.
I watched a series episode about a woman giving birth last night and I don’t know if that influenced this dream. Yahweh, I pray for your spirit in me. To cast out what should not be there. Anything that is not of you. Help me to walk in your will. And I think I also need to stop watching the show because now it moved from Bible references to psychic references and I don’t think that’s good. Cleanse me Yahweh. Help me to be in you. In all things.
This morning’s Verse of the Day
2 Timothy 1:7 – God didn’t give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment.
Yesterday we played Bible boxing at AY. And the leader spoke this scripture which is the scripture Yahweh used to tell me to go forward. But even before the leader had said that scripture I had repeated.
2 Timothy 1:6 – You received a gift from God when I placed my hands on you to ordain you. Now I’m reminding you to fan that gift into flames.
This morning, both scriptures are brought out again. Yahweh, help me not to shrink from what you are calling me to do. Help me to fan the gifts you’ve given me into flames. To honour you and to grow your ministry. Amen.
Enduring the Cross.
Breakfast in the morning. Tea and water for the rest of the day. Friday it will be reversed. There is a goal and I have to endure now to reach that goal. Food cannot have control over my life. It ended yesterday. Help me Yahweh. Thank you.
10:16 am : sighing in relief while simultaneously reigning in the “perfectionist” in me.
I managed to stitch the zippered Bible cover. It gave me beams. Problems. Made me almost cry tears. And then it’s not a fitted as it should be (as it was originally) and part of me wants to do it over, and the other part is like, “no way Jose.” It looks good, but I am seeing all the issues with the fit being my major concern. But to do it over will take another week and I will have to buy more materials. Sigh. I will make it look good in the end. I still have a good bit to hand sew and then the actual Bible to put in. I am committed to not doing this type of book repair again. Nope.