Morning Star
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August 26, 2022


Yahweh. Thank you for waking me up with a sound mind. A healthy body. Thank you for waking me up in you. Thank you for your love and your grace. Your words in the Bible, your words to me. Thank you for saving me, delivering me. From me. From my thoughts. My mistakes. The many ways that I fall short and it’s not that I don’t still make mistakes, I do, but you cover them with your righteousness. In a way, I am glad that I cannot be perfect. Perfection is a hard task master and one I tried to please and it had become that if I couldn’t do it (whatever “it” was) perfectly then I didn’t do it at all. Which honestly led to me either being super hard on myself or not wanting to do certain things at all. But I must admit, that scripture:

Matthew 5:48 – That is why you must be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.

It messed with my sensibilities for years. How can we be perfect as you are? And honestly for years I tried and when I failed, I gave up. So what does it mean to be perfect?

Perfect (dictionary):

  • Being entirely without fault or defect.
  • Satisfying all requirements
  • Corresponding to an ideal standard
  • Faithfully reproducing the original
  • Pure, lack in no essential detail


Perfect (Bible) : Teleios:

  • Having reached its end
  • Complete
  • Full grown/of full age
  • Completeness of Christian character
  • Mature from going through the necessary stages to reach the end goal.


Sigh. I like words. I’m not sure that I still like English. When I visualise “perfect” based on the English language definition – without fault or defect, my question is, how do you achieve that? And the answer was: You can’t, you’re covered by Jesus’ righteousness. That’s what the response usually was. And I guess it is correct, well, I know it is correct. But this actually doesn’t seem to be what it’s referring to and I believe that’s why this scripture made me feel so insecure. Though that is clearly not your intent.

Matthew 19:21 –  Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, sell what you own. Give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then follow me!”

Romans 12:2 – Don’t become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants—what is good, pleasing, and perfect.


FYI, I feel the need to add at the end – for you. Why? Because what is pleasing to you is different for each person based on what the word “perfect” means. It’s not just that we are covered by Jesus’ righteousness. But that we are complete: we have accomplished the end goal. We have done what Yahweh desires of us to do. We have completed our purpose. And our purpose isn’t “just” one thing. Today I am to be a worship leader. Did I accomplish that? Did I lead others (and myself) to worship Yahweh? Yes? Then I accomplished the goal that Yahweh gave me.

Today I am to transport everyone to a meeting safely. Did I accomplish that? No? Then I didn’t accomplish what the end goal was.

The young ruler needed to sell and give to the poor because that was what Yahweh required of him – that would have matured him and allowed him to accomplish what Yahweh desired of him. But he chose not to.

Romans 12:2 says – you will be able to determine what Yahweh really wants – then it says what is:

Good : agathos : good in nature, good whether it be seen to be so or not, useful, suited for something, upright, beneficial.

Well-pleasing :  euarestos : acceptable

Perfect : teleios ; having reached its end, complete.


So what does Yahweh really want for us to do? We need to do it. But the only way to know what Yahweh wants us personally to do is to ask him. The rich, young ruler (it’s sad that that’s all he’s labelled as, but I don’t know what else to call him), who did not have a relationship with Jesus straight up asked. And got a response. So will we. Just ask and then do what he said. There’s a 100% chance that the response will include some aspect of “follow me.” “Spend time with me.” “Talk with me.”

And the thought that came to me, or rather the scripture that you brought back to memory is:

Proverbs 4:18 (KJV) –  But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.


Yep, I’m gonna do the translation dictionary line because it definitely reads differently to me that way.


Path : orach : a way, course

Just : tsaddiq : righteous, innocent, justified

Shining : nogah : brightness, light, clear

Light : or : sun, morning light

Shineth : or : to be or become light

More and more (the actual words used says “ever brighter” :  halak : to go, come, walk, moves

Perfect : kun : to be firm, put right, established, fixed, ready

Day : yom : day (lol), age


Put them together and what do you get? (I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. Lol). Introducing the revealed to me version:

“The way of the justified is clear as the light and becomes clearer as you walk in it until the day that we are firm/established.”

When we follow  the path that Yahweh has set before us, it becomes brighter (easier to see) and as we keep walking it, we accomplish what he desires until the time we are established (become “perfect”). Not of the human thought of perfection, but that we did what Yahweh asked of us. It is complete. And I truly see that visual of the steps lighting up once we step on the right block. And each block adds to the light until we reach our destination.

Yahweh, thank you. I didn’t even know I needed this correction. Thank you for leading me on the right path (pun totally intended). Thank you for showing me what you desire of me: not perfection as man sees it, but completeness in you and to do what you desire of me that is pleasing to you. Thank you for who you are. And can I say I’m grateful that I wasn’t stubborn and insistent on looking at what I wanted to look at? You knew what I needed and provided just that. Thank you for your Spirit that guides and teaches. Fill me (yep, no more imbued) and show me what I ought to do. Today is yours. Today I am yours. Your will, your purpose. Your plan. I love you.


That moment when the smell of a starch mango fills the room. I won’t say it’s close to heaven because there are other experiences that are closer, but it’s definitely up there.


Yahweh, the level of deceit is disturbing. Not scared because I know who holds the world, but it is disturbing. Yahweh. Your Holy Spirit to dwell in us, so that we will speak the words you desire. Think the way you desire. I pray for your strength  to not respond in kind. To be holy in my thoughts, words and actions. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for the way you move. Amen.


Armour of Yahweh

Armour of God – must always be worn.

  • Belt of Truth: God-based knowledge (not facts).
  • Breastplate of Righteousness: because we know the truth, we move in the right way.
  • Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace: creates stability. Not sliding while under attack.


Yahweh, I am beyond grateful. Thankful. Amazed at your guidance, your direction and your peace. I always say that there are no coincidences with you. Today is the day that I get “paid” and will be withdrawing the money to return to you. And while posting on the site, I’m listening to a sermon and they are speaking about peace. Peace that we also have when a decision is from you. And as I copy the next entry to post, it’s about not worrying about tomorrow (July 16, morning). What was truly also amazing was at that moment the speaker said, it’s knowing that you don’t have to worry, you’re doing what you have to so you’re at peace. Even though things around are chaotic. Even though the bank account is empty (literally), there is peace. Yahweh, thank you for your peace. In you I have everything. I love you.

“Peace is tied to you overcoming something.”

Lol. Now he is speaking about being sanctified, while I’m posting about being sanctified, “Sanctified by Truth.”

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