August 21, 2022
Good Sunday Morning Yahweh. Thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for waking me up: your continual grace that is covering us. Your power that flows through us. Your love that makes me feel alive. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Thank you for this family, your hedge of protection around us. Thank you for bringing PC out of prison and still maintaining peace and quiet.
Yahweh, forgive me. For the thoughts that were not of you. The words I’ve said that were not of you. Yahweh, out of the heart, the mouth speaks. I pray that my heart would be right with you. Create in me a new heart and renew a right spirit in me. So that my words, my thoughts, my actions would be right unto you. Help me to guard my heart, because the source of my life flows from it. The source of my life.
Proverbs 4:23 – Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it.
With all diligence, Keep Guard : mishmar : place of confinement, prison, diligence, guard, watch, observance.
To confine your heart. Be very careful of what is let in to my heart. Watch over it.
Keep : Natsar : To watch, guard, guard, keep, preserve, keep secret, blockaded.
To keep the heart secret, preserved.
The two words “diligence, keep” both more or less translate to guard, but it also shows the importance of what needs to be done.
Your heart : leb : inner man, mind, will, heart, soul, comprehending mind/affections/will, inclinations, moral character, conscience, seat of pride, seat of courage.
The heart is responsible for the core of who we are. There are many things that are out of our control when it comes to our body that is pretty much controlled by genetics. But our heart is under our control. It is what comprises our soul, our moral character. It is the compass that determines which way we go.
Seat of Pride vs Seat of Courage. It’s where we choose where our focus would be. Yahweh asks for us to be strong and courageous in him and to not hand over the seat of our heart to pride. The source of your life flows from it.
(Spring) the issues : totsaah : an outgoing, extremity, perhaps source, escape.
Whatever is in my heart will come out of it (will escape – it can’t be hidden). So make sure and put in that which is good: the word of Yahweh, Holy Spirit. And then guard it so that nothing undesired slips in. So that all that comes out would be from Yahweh.
Yahweh, my heart is yours. To be filled by you. Help me to repair any broken walls or damaged areas so that nothing slips in. Stand at the gate and ensure that whatever comes in is what is desired by you. Thank you Yahweh for removing the seat of pride from my heart, so that only you can sit there. Thank you for who you are to me. My heart is yours. Today.
Joshua 1:9 – “I have commanded you, ‘Be strong and courageous! Don’t tremble or be terrified, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ ”
“Fear says with a tone of doubt: what will happen if I take this step? Faith says with a tone of expectation: what will happen if I take this step?”
Faith takes the step in spite of the fear.
Faith takes the step in spite of the fear.
Yahweh, I pray for your presence for in you all fear has to take a backseat. In you there is strength to move forward and courage to trust. In you. Thank you for your spirit that is in me. This is not a physical battle but a spiritual one and I pray that I won’t be afraid to use the weapons you are/have given to me. You. You are the strong army in this battle and I pray that I will follow your commands. Thank you for fighting for me. Thank you for standing for me. Thank you for loving me. I am yours. You are mine.
Isaiah 54:5 – Your husband is your maker. His name is the Lord of Armies. Your defender is the Holy One of Israel. He is called the God of the whole earth.
Thank you!! Guard my heart.