December 10, 2022
Well, the downside of sleeping in a room with other folks, I’m out in the corridor at the moment so that my activities don’t wake them up. Lol.
Good Morning Yahweh! It’s early o’clock and I’m up. Why did you create us to need sleep? So much of our lives is spent sleeping and without it our bodies shut down and die. But you never sleep and you made us in your image, so little curious and the angels don’t sleep either.
And a thought just came to me: I stand corrected if the thought is inaccurate. The angels were created with some of your characteristics also. But no created being can have all the characteristics that belong to you, so some get some and others get others.
Which makes me wonder if the creatures of other worlds also have other characteristics of yours. These are just thought questions, and I don’t really need an answer, but just wondered. Would probably be nice to do actually get an answer.
One of these days. One of these days I’m going home.
When I’m home with you, you’ll answer. I am thankful for your promise of a place with you where we can sit and talk and get to know each other even more. Where we won’t be using a veil anymore. Yahweh, thank you for the promise of actually seeing you and not just talking (and I’m sorry for making talking sound like a minor thing, it’s not). But the day that we meet will be a glorious day. Every eye will see you and we will all bow down to worship because you are worthy of our worship.
You are worthy of all praise.
You are God.
You are King.
You are the Redeemer.
And it is in you we live and have our being.
It is because of you we are able to sing, to be here and to have a future and a hope.
Thank you Yahweh for being you.
The great I AM.
The one whose name must come to pass.
Thank you Yahweh.
I love you. It doesn’t compare to your love and it can’t exist without you loving us first. But I am thankful for you. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
True talk. It’s nice to know that your response answered someone’s prayer. I was sitting on the balcony and saw two people leaving the compound and wondered who it was. One of my roommates came out and asked if it was Ally. The next roommate confirmed that it was. Then they both went inside. I ended up calling and asked them if they wanted a ride to church (yes, my gas low, but honestly wasn’t okay with them out there trying to catch a car). When I got into the vehicle, she said that she was just praying for a drop to church when I called. Happy dance!!