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February 2, 2022


I miss baking. I haven’t really felt inspired to bake though I have a recipes playlist with stuff I haven’t tried. I think I will bake something this weekend. Saw a recipe for a polish cake that looks interesting. I did not go to work today. Definitely what I call a mental health day. I got cat food, went to the beach and then the gym. But I couldn’t stay long at the beach because I had forgotten my sunscreen at home and it was high daytime. 

I’m learning daily though, that there are things revealed to show you how to deal with someone going forward. Yesterday I spoke with someone about work and informed them of the status of the item at the moment, including that we don’t know when the information would go out, but that it’s not likely to be this week. Tell me why this same person would later (as in today) tell the boss that he believes the documents went out already and we should get the response soon? Sigh. I don’t tolerate lying very well, but in this case I won’t say anything, I will just take note. Especially since this is not the first time. Why do we have to be like that?



  1. Beach!! Yes I live on an island but I will always be excited about the beach.
  2. Yahweh’s calling and preparation in my life. Today I felt something that I low-key think I’ve been running from. But it is for Yahweh to confirm and direct. 
  3. I got a new way to walk!! My way of saying, no pain!!

John 10:16 – I also have other sheep that are not of the spin. I must lead them. They too will respond to my voice. So they will be one flock with one shepherd.

Yahweh. Help me understand. This is scripture that has been taught in my church for as long as I could remember with the ending that all must join the true church before Christ returns. But I am questioning if that is what it truly means.

Yahweh knows the end from the beginning, that goes without saying. During Jesus’ life there were Jews and everyone else. There wasn’t the million and one denominations like what they have now. But you know something? You can be following Yahweh’s voice no matter what religion you are in, which is why I honestly wouldn’t change my religion. Yahweh accepts the worship anyhow and “they will be one flock with one shepherd.”

I believe (but stand corrected) that it doesn’t matter (too much) which “religion” you join. As long as Christ has called you and you respond. And when he returns from heaven. I’m falling asleep it seems and writing craziness. Sigh. Will continue. Thank you for your watchful care Yahweh, thank you. 

It seems that even though it’s not close to bedtime, my body and mind is falling asleep. Will listen to a sermon and move up the evening time. 

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