a young green plant growing out of the soil,. The words, "The Source of Hope" written below
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March 5, 2023


10:24 am : in my car

Yes, you are saw right. I did not start my day the way I usually would. I woke up unexpectedly at 4:45 am to be reminded that our family was responsible for the prayer service this morning. Jumped out of bed and headed to the service. The word “perfect” – teleios was highlighted for me and I shared what it meant according to the definition.


12:55 pm : back in my car

Not one of the worst meetings I’ve been to. Trying to get some responses and then will park up near the beach and read.

“You don’t win by Trying.”

“Do Less and Trust God More.”


7:45 pm : tired and getting ready for bed

There are some songs that you hear that you like, but quickly forget. There are those that grow on you and then there are those that resonate with you.


“Never make a promise that you can’t keep. 

Never make a promise that’s not easy for you.

You can do all things

And you never make a promise that you can’t keep.”


Thank you for your amazing promises.

Thank you for everything.


What am I thankful for?

  1. You never make a promise that you can’t keep.
  2. I can trust you.
  3. A quiet day.


Confession: sometimes the conflict between others gets to me. And many times it seems pointless. And it’s those moments I long for my own space the most. Then folks would get upset when I walk away from the scene. I truly don’t like the energy though. So I leave the area.

Despite that I am thankful for a place of safety. Not necessarily quiet (with the neighbours I would need another miracle). Thank you for today. I need to remember that my body is the temple of Yahweh.

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