February 20, 2023
4:13 am : in my bed
Good Morning Yahweh. Happy Monday!! Today is not a holiday but also not a work day. Thank you for today. Thank you for waking me up. For family, friends. For a place to sleep. Your amazing love.
It’s almost the end of the month. Yahweh, I pray for your continued grace and favour. Your love that surpasses everything. Help me to walk in your will. Yahweh. Today is yours. Remember your daughters: Keda, Angie, Zee, Abi, Shia, Vene and Quelle. Help us to truly live for you. To work for you. To listen to your voice.
Thank you for all that you are. Thank you for everything you’ve done and are doing for us. Thank you for being an awesome God. I love you.
Yahweh, please come into my finances. I need your help. It seems as though everything is just sifting through my fingers. I can’t seem to save or make ends meet. I am in debt. Yahweh, I need your help. I do not know what to do. But you are God. You are in control. Help me to honour you in my finances. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I will not love money, but I will use it as the resource it is meant to be.
I will not be controlled by money.
I will trust Yahweh in everything for everything.
Money is not my God.
Yahweh is my God.
Thank you for being my God. For ruling over all. Even this financial season. I will trust you in this and every season. To do your will. To honour you with all that I do, including with finances. Help me to build as you desire. Both the home and finances. The ministries and life. Thank you for your grace and your promise of a future. I love you.
8:10 am : just watched a video on YouTube
I do not like soaps (and to some extent candles) that look like food. Especially realistically looks like food. This video popped up and I actually watched it thinking that it was a video about making donuts. It wasn’t. It was soap. Maybe it’s my paranoia, but I always think about that clueless child who puts everything in their mouth. What would happen when (not if) they see this and think it’s something to eat? You know what else I don’t like? Those disinfectants that smell so sweet, usually like fruit. Some of them actually look like juice too. I don’t buy them. Nope. Not gonna happen.
10:09 am : at the office
So I came to the office on an official non-office day. I was wearing exercise clothes because I plan to exercise after. The guy working thought I was the cleaner. Lol.
12:03 pm : at my desk at the office
I am so thankful right now. Here I am having to organise people for a sports tournament and I know nothing about sports. But!! We have two referees!! Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus.
Huh. So earlier this year I got this sense to make room and honestly I just assumed it meant make room for Yahweh because what else? But this is the second time in as many days I’m hearing make room (not for Yahweh) but for relationships. I can’t be so focused on Yahweh that I don’t give opportunity to someone. That’s not to say that I don’t seek out Yahweh, but that I don’t wear blinders. Yahweh, help me to take off the blinders.
I like what this speaker said. So often I’ve heard people say, “Oh when I stopped looking I met the one.” or “I became so contented that God showed me the one.” But it is with the backdrop they eventually stopped “desiring” marriage and then Yahweh brought them someone.
And honestly this always struck me as being a bit fake. Because if the desire was no longer there why did you get married? But the speaker said that being content does not mean that you don’t contend. It doesn’t mean that you don’t keep an open eye and heart, but that your primary focus is Yahweh. With the knowledge that I can’t just sit at home and study the Bible (my words).
And it is obvious why this speaker truly understood. She wasn’t a married couple speaking about singleness from the standpoint of someone who was married at 23. She was married at 39. Years after most people, so I truly believe that she understands. Sometimes when I explain certain things to folks who have been married since young, they think I’m crazy or overthinking and I’m like, I won’t bother because… Thank you Yahweh for truly understanding. For truly knowing what we feel and embracing who we are now. Thank you.