time with Yahweh during the day
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February 10,2022


This morning was a quiet one. Actually completed typing and editing “Prelude.” But then I had a wonderful reminder of how short staffed we are at work. Yahweh, I pray that we have help soon (sooner than later) though. Sigh. I know. Everything in its approved time. Thank you for your strength for today. Your provision. Help my focus to remain fixed on you. I really don’t want to stray. I might dead. Thank you for who you are. I love you. 

I’m sitting in the parking lot of the gym contemplating life. I want to exercise. I want to curl up in my bed. I want a hug. I want to cry. And I’m not sure why. There’s a tiredness right now that I don’t know how to fix. But I will keep moving forward and trusting Yahweh to lead. And since I am in the gym’s parking lot, I guess I’ll go to the gym. Sigh. First time in a long time, I don’t think I’m looking forward to the gym. 

I guess gym it was. One thing I can say, no matter how I felt when I went to exercise, I always feel good coming out. Maybe tired, but still definitely good. Thank Yahweh for that. 

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