Micah 3:5,6 – This is what the Lord says about the prophets who mislead my people: When they have something to eat, they say, “All is well!” But they declare a holy war against those who don’t feed them. That is why you will have nights without visions. You will have darkness without revelations. The sun will set on the prophets, and the day will turn dark for them.
Can I say ouch? Truthfully, when you see a church or leaders with no new insight into life, into scripture, you have to wonder what is happening. Many times, leaders lead others astray and when they are opposed or corrected, they fight them down. When there are no prophetic words that are found to be true, then we need to take notice. When the prophets go astray, it destroys a nation.
Micah 6:4 – I brought you out of Egypt and freed you from slavery. I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to lead you.
Tears, it’s so nice to see Miriam mentioned here. Too often we remember her for her one transgression, but she was a leader in Israel. It’s awesome that she was remembered here.
Micah 7:5 – Don’t trust your neighbors. Don’t have confidence in your friends. Keep your mouth shut even when a woman is lying in your arms.
A woman. Lying in my arms. No ehhh. Lol. But I get the sentiment. That’s a sad day in Israel – well in the world that is. The person that you’re married to can’t even be trusted (and yes I’m going with married here, because we’re not supposed to be lying with someone we not married to). But in spite of this, if we hold on to Yahweh, this curse would not fall on us. Thank you Yahweh.
Micah 7:8 – Don’t laugh at me, my enemies. Although I’ve fallen, I will get up. Although I sit in the dark, the Lord is my light.
Even if I’m in darkness I can still see. In the spirit. Everything may be falling down in the physical, but I can see in the spiritual that Yahweh is holding me up. He will bring us into the light physically too.