September 2, 2022
I do not know where this cold decide to come from. Is this gonna be a habit now? Every time I take leave I get sick? I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. I am tired though and want to sleep or just relax and then sleep. Yahweh thank you for today. In your presence there is freedom. Thank you for freeing me and protecting me. Thank you family and friends.
- Mom’s lost and found phone. We had gone to a thanksgiving service at the complex. I really enjoyed it. But when we went downstairs and I went to get the car, Mom discovered that that her phone was missing. She went back into the hall and searched and did not find it. She searched her bag also. Did not find it. When she came to the car, she said she could not find the phone. I called the phone and it kept ringing out but now answer. The truth is, at this point, I did not stop and pray, “Dear Lord, please forgive us etc.” It was a quick, “Yahweh, I pray we find the phone.” (So quick I had to hard to remember what I prayed specifically.) We went back into the hall and the phone was on the seat. The same seat that she had searched before. Praise break. Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus. I’m talking lifting hands in the air type of praise break. Because Yahweh is good.
- Provision for gasoline again! Because of the additional driving this morning, gas went low again and Yahweh provided again. I can hardly wait to see how he will provide for the month’s bills and the prayer retreat and all the other things.
- Yahweh has an armour including a helmet of salvation.
- Isaiah 48-61
Thank you Yahweh. You are awesome and I’m feeling hungry right now. Keep me Yahweh. Bind everything that is not of you. Help me to keep my focus on you. And Yahweh, please don’t forget me in this time, you promised that you will not let me fall. And I am a wreck? Who am I kidding, I’m already falling. My bank account with little funds is flagged. Payments are due Monday. Cell phone about to be cut off. Yahweh, I will keep on praying until you save me. I won’t rest until I see the manifestation of our response. Your deliverance.