Notes Soli
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Jonah 1:5 – The sailors were afraid, and they cried to their gods for help. They began to throw the cargo overboard to lighten the ship’s load. Now, Jonah had gone below deck and was lying there sound asleep.

I suspect that even though Jonah was attempting to run from Yahweh, he believed fully in him and had faith that he would protect. He went below deck and was sound asleep. And it brought to mind another incident, Mark 4:38-41 where Jesus was asleep in the boat during a storm and after quieting the storm he asked, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” I contend that Jonah had faith and that’s why even though he ran, Yahweh wanted to use him.

Jonah 1:16 – The men were terrified of the Lord. They offered sacrifices and made vows to the Lord.

Never really considered this, but it’s possible these men were saved because of this. Before this incident they never knew of the one True God.

Jonah 3:3 – Jonah immediately went to Nineveh as the Lord told him. Nineveh was a very large city. It took three days to walk through  it.

SIDEBAR: I thought it would be mad cool if it said Jonah 3:3 because it was three days to walk around. Jonah spent three days in praying and fasting (by default in the belly of the great fish). He also preached for three days. After three days, the whole city prayed and fasted for Yahweh to reconsider and he did! Intercession, praying and fasting does work especially when done from the heart. This was a complete fast – not even water. And I dare say, they fasted for three days also.

Jonah 4: 2(b) – I knew that you are a merciful and compassionate God, patient, and always ready to forgive and to reconsider your threats of destruction.

Jonah knew Yahweh. He knew Yahweh.

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