Notes Soli
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Joel 2:13 – And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.

So I always laugh when I read this scripture because growing up, I always heard (for some reason) “render” and not rend. And while I didn’t quite understand what render meant either, it never quite made sense to me. but even in my ignorance, Yahweh is gracious to me.


Joel 2:23 – People of Zion, be glad and find joy in the Lord your God. The Lord has given you the Teacher of Righteousness*. He has sent the autumn rain and the spring rain as before. 

*or the Lord has given you plenty of autumn rain.

The word used here (mow-reh) translates to both teacher and early rain. And it’s nice because Jesus is the teacher and the early rain (the latter rain too technically, but not going there).


Joel 3:21b – The Lord lives in Zion!

Let the whole world say Amen! This is the best ending to a book yet.

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