Job 4:18 – “You see, God doesn’t trust his own servants, and he accuses his angels of making mistakes.
Where did Eliphaz get this from? What was he smoking? At what point did Yahweh ever say he didn’t trust?! He needs to show me that.
Job 6:4 – because the arrows of the Almighty have found their target in me, and my spirit is drinking their poison. God’s terrors line up in battle against me.
I’ll confess that this will sound weird given the topic, but Job and friends are very poetic! In a way, I fell like I’m reading the book of Psalms.
Job 7:7 – Remember, my life is only a breath, and never again will my eyes see anything good.
This can honestly be taken in two ways:
- That noting good will ever happen to Job in his life ever again.
- When he is dead, that’s it.
Either way, it’s heartbreaking. But this is how we usually feel in the moment when we are going through situations: that we will never experience anything good again.
Job 7:20 – If I sin, what can I possibly do to you since you insist on spying on people? Why do you make me your target? I’ve become a burden even to myself.
Arrrmmmm Job. You sure you want to go down that road? Now on one hand I admire the courage of Job. On the other hand, I feel like ducking behind something to avoid the possible back lash. What is interesting is him asking what can his sin do to Yahweh. And it is in a way a valid question. Does our sin physically hurt Yahweh? No. But it does separate us from him and that hurts him.
Job 8:7 – Then what you had in the past will seem small compared with the great prosperity you’ll have in the future.
Bildad was prophesying and did not know it. And the truth is, so often while going through things we truly can’t see the end, but it would be better to prophesy of great things rather than bad.
Job 8:20 – “Certainly, God does not reject a person of integrity or give a helping hand to wicked people.
Amen! Thank you Jesus! We truly should be a people of integrity.