July 8, 2022
We have heard the joyful sound.
Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
Spread the tidings all around.
Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
Bear the news to every land,
Climb the steeps and cross the waves,
Onward tis our Lord’s command.
Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
Thank you for your saving grace! Woke up with this old standard ringing through my thoughts and could not stop singing it.
Jesus saves.
And he does. That’s what you did when you came to this earth. You saved us. That’s what you’re doing now when you guide us and lead us – you are saving us. Saving us from what we are naturally inclined to do. Last night, when I came home, it was later than usual and I felt so hungry and other than filling my water bottle, I was determined to stay out of the kitchen. And I did. It may seem like small thing (well, you know it’s not), but big or small, it’s you who work in us to save us from the sins that so easily besets us. (I know some things I just remember in King James Version).
Sometimes I think about what we deem impossible. And I’ve truly decided to remove certain words from my vocabulary. Unbelievable was one and now impossible. You say that nothing is impossible. So taking away that word too.
Matthew 19:26 – Jesus looked at them and said, “It is impossible for people to save themselves, but everything is possible for God.”
Acts 15:11 – We certainly believe that the Lord Jesus saves us the same way that he saves them—through his kindness.”
Mark 9:23 – Jesus said to him, “As far as possibilities go, everything is possible for the person who believes.”
And so much is hinged on that. Everything is possible for the person who believes. But we often limit ourselves and then limit Yahweh. When I think about what Jesus went through to save us from our sins, the question comes, “What wouldn’t he do so that we can live life abundantly?”
Let’s be honest with ourselves. As humans, if we went out of our way to help someone: let’s say that person was strung out on drugs and then you helped them get clean. Then you helped them get a job or place to live etc. Would you want to see them fall back into the same situation again or would you try to ensure they have what they need to stay clean? We will try. The only difference is that we may get tired of trying to help them. Yahweh never gets tired of helping us. Granted he may get angry at our hard-heartedness and let us know that we will have consequences for our actions, bit he’s never angry punitively or forever and he still comes and saves us from our own consequences.
Yahweh, I mention someone strung out on drugs before as an illustration (though more for my benefit than yours as you don’t need it), but the truth is, there are so many who are caught in cycles of drugs. Who has ruined their lives because of drugs, whether it’s weed or cocaine (and I truly don’t know what drugs there are out there). But you are mighty to save. These young men are altering their body and minds because of weed. “It’s harmless,” they say. But “harmless” is deceptive and has proven to be anything but.
Proverbs 14:12 – There is a way that seems right to a person, but eventually it ends in death.
Yahweh, please save them from the choices that they are making. Help us to have the right to say to them. Help us to do whatever you require of us so that they can choose the way that leads to you. You haven’t given up on them and neither will I. I pray that they will see the joy of living for you and follow you. I pray also for P.C. that he won’t let the habits we often cling to control him, but that he would centre himself on you. That they all would choose a life free of substances that warp the mind and seek you with all their heart. Restore them to you. Mind, body and soul. Because you save. You heal. Heal them of their unbelief. Heal us of your unfaithfulness. Save us Father. Thank you for your goodness and grace that is beyond our understanding, but is believable and is possible through you. Thank you for who you are. I love you.