Morning Star
Spread the love

August 12, 2022



Jesus is the answer for the world today.

Above him there’s no other.

Jesus is the way.”

Yahweh, you are my God and my confidence is in you. Not in what I think I can do. It’s in you. Cleanse me Father. Bathe me in your Holy Spirit so that I will be filled with you. No fear. Not even fear of failing you, because there is the assurance that in you there is victory. In you we can trust and when life seems monumentally rough or unbelievably bleak, we can be confident that you are with us.

Psalm 23:4 – Even though I walk through the dark valley of death, because you are with me, I fear no harm. Your rod and your staff give me courage.

Thank you for the assurance that you are with me. And honestly it was/is such a silly fear: afraid that I may become like the Scribes and Pharisees, filled with my own sense of righteousness. But Yahweh, I pray that come what may I will trust you. I will honour you from a heart posture of love and repentance. Help me to always remember that you are my God and in you there is no fear. Thank you for your promise  to be with me and to put all fear out of my life.

Yahweh, be that hedge of protection around me. I cannot do it, but you are a shield. Not just me, but this household and all whom we come in contact with. Help us to live for you. To always know that you are God and to honour you with our lives. You are truly an awesome God and I love you.



God will work it out. God will work it out.

One thing I know, one thing for sure. God will work it out.


I’m not even sure if these words are accurate, but I do know for sure that you will work all things out.

Yahweh, remember the neighbours. I pray that each one will choose you. To do what is right in your sight. To honour you in their thoughts, words and deeds. I pray that any needs that they have would be met. Show me what I am required to do. You know a place is what you make of it. If someone believes the worst, that’s what they will see. If they believe in you, that’s what they will see. Yahweh, you are everywhere. I pray that we all see you for ourselves. Thank you for your promise towards us, for saving us from ourselves. You are you and here is no one else like you. Thank you for loving us. I love you.


Question: Did mosquitoes exist before sin? Truly I wonder as they don’t appear to exist for any other reason than to suck blood and that seems barbaric.

Cut The Ropes

Yahweh. I need help to cut the ropes. You know my finances or lack thereof. You know what is needed. I’m not going to call about the card being sent. I’ll count it as a blessing if it never is. And just pay down the card. Yahweh, I will trust you in this season and every season. I will hold on to you while I cut the ropes on everything else that is not of you. I am yours. Even though I still have no idea what to do, I will keep my eyes fixed on you. Thank you for who you are. I love you, Hold onto me please. Don’t let me fall.


the words "Step out in faith" written in purple and gold

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