Morning Star
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September 11, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh! I am quietly excited. I keep singing.

“I’ve found a new life! I’ve found a new life! 

If anybody ask you what’s the matter with you, my friend.

Tell them that you are saved, Sanctified, Holy Ghost filled,

Water baptised, Jesus is mine, I’ve found a new life.”


This is truly how I feel. In you. Moving in your will. Laying aside my agenda, my timetable and just flowing in you. Thank you for taking me out of the overflow. Thank you for breaking the dam and putting me smackdab in the flow.

Yahweh, you are an awesome, amazing, beautiful, magnified, beyond comparison God who shows us constantly that you love us. That you will do anything for us. Yahweh, I pray for my sisters, your daughters. This weekend was a beautiful, heartfelt experience but help it not to just be an experience but a life that we live daily in your presence. Surrounded by you. Filled by you and showing you.

Yahweh, I pray for Steph, who has gifts that she did not even recognise. And we’re sitting there seeing the manifestation of her gift and she not having a clue those are gifts. That you have blessed her tremendously to bless others. I pray that she uses these gifts and any other that you grant to her for your glory. She has your voice. I don’t know how else to say it, but she has your voice and I pray that she won’t hide it.

Angie. Your daughter. Your messenger. To be one your chosen messengers is not an easy task, but you have chosen her. You have called her by name. Yahweh, strengthen her in you. As she fights in heavenly places. As she stands where you desire her to stand. As she delivers your message to a world that desperately needs you, help her to hold on to you. To not fall away, to trust you completely that you will never leave her. The gift you have given her is not common. Or if it is, it’s rarely spoken about. But you know why Yahweh, and I pray that even though it may seem improbable and different, you’ve given that gift for a reason. I pray that she will see the manifestation of your work in her life. That she will  see what you desire her to see. That she will not be afraid but will solely rely on you for it is from you, her help comes from.

And Danni. Life is not always an easy transition. And she is going through one. I pray that she will trust you where she can’t see you. That she will not run from what you desire for her. Grant her insight into who you desire her to be. Into what you desire her to do. Help her to recognise the power that is bound up in you. For your purpose and your glory. Hold her Yahweh, so that she knows beyond a doubt how much you love her.

Yahweh, it’s a new day in you. I will walk with you. I will hold on to you. I will go wherever you send me. Thank you for loving me. For holding me. For trusting me to do what you are asking me to do. By your grace. Only your grace and strength because I cannot do any of this on my own. I need you. Thank you Yahweh.

Remember Vinny. Guide her in your will. Let your light shine through her. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen. I love you.

You are able. To heal the brokenhearted.

You are the one who bandages our wounds.

You are the builder. Build us Yahweh in you. The walls, the city, the firm foundation. It’s you. And to you goes the glory.


Psalm 147

 Hallelujah! It is good to sing psalms to our God. It is pleasant to sing ⌞his⌟ praise beautifully.

The Lord is the builder of Jerusalem. He is the one who gathers the outcasts of Israel together.
He is the healer of the brokenhearted. He is the one who bandages their wounds.
He determines the number of stars. He gives each one a name.
Our Lord is great, and his power is great. There is no limit to his understanding.
The Lord gives relief to those who are oppressed. He brings wicked people down to the ground.

Sing to the Lord a song of thanksgiving. Make music to our God with a lyre.
He covers the sky with clouds. He provides rain for the ground.
He makes grass grow on the mountains.
He is the one who gives food to animals and to young ravens when they call out.
10 He finds no joy in strong horses, nor is he pleased by brave soldiers.
11 The Lord is pleased with those who fear him, with those who wait with hope for his mercy.

12 Praise the Lord, Jerusalem! Praise your God, Zion!
13 He makes the bars across your gates strong. He blesses the children within you.
14 He is the one who brings peace to your borders and satisfies your hunger with the finest wheat.
15 He is the one who sends his promise throughout the earth. His word travels with great speed.
16 He is the one who sends snow like wool and scatters frost like ashes.
17 He is the one who throws his hailstones like breadcrumbs. Who can withstand his chilling blast?
18 He sends out his word and melts his hailstones. He makes wind blow ⌞and⌟ water flow.
19 He speaks his word to Jacob, his laws and judicial decisions to Israel.
20 He has done nothing like this for any other nation.
The other nations do not know the decisions he has handed down.


Thank you Yahweh for being God.



Hallelujah! You have won the victory.

Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me.

You have broken every chain.

There’s salvation in your name.

Jesus Christ, my living hope.

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