Morning Star
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August 11, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh! Thank you for a beautiful day. Nope, I haven’t looked outside (yet) because it’s pitch black. So how do I know it’s beautiful? Because you made it and I’m alive to see it. Ipso Facto: beautiful day. Thank you for a life lived in you. A life that is directed by you. Under your control. A life that has been both tears of joy and tears of sadness. It’s not as weird as it sounds. Emotions are just that, emotions and without the bad we don’t always appreciate the good. Truthfully I would prefer that the likelihood of tears of sadness to not happen, but we live in a sinful world so they will until you return. I won’t even run from what hurts as it also shapes me into who you desire me to be. I’m not likely to run to it either, but I will brace myself and trust you.

Yahweh, I pray for “the boys.” I pray that in all things they will choose you. Put aside the things that destroy and choose you: not necessarily in that order. Because you will take them as they are. You desire them to come and you will work on what needs to be worked on. Yahweh, I pray that they hear your voice through all the noise of this world and they would choose to know you. That they would honour you above all. It’s an amazing thing when young men and women desire to follow you and to seek your face: imagine what you can do through them. Well, I can imagine, you already know. I pray that your words will penetrate their hearts, refocus their minds and make them new in you.

Thank you for those who are following you. Thank you for those who chose you and are choosing you everyday. Guard their paths so that they don’t stray from you. Guard their hearts to trust you. Prepare them for their role in your kingdom. Yahweh, I bring Shak before you. I pray that he will lead his family in the right way. That they would honour you. Provide for the family. Confession: I feel as though they are woefully unprepared for marriage. It’s not about the day, it’s about life. I pray that their marriage will be grounded in you. That they would be grounded in you. That they would seek you first in the morning and take you with them throughout the day.

Yahweh, I pray for marriages. The devil is attacking marriages. Trying to tear those already in effect apart and those bound in heaven from being bound on earth. I pray for your protection. That husbands would honour their wives and wives their husbands. That nothing would separate them from you. That the life they live will be the ministry you have called them to live and to shine your light in their life. Protect the head for he is the covering of the household. I pray that he chooses you everyday because you are the example that he must follow. Let your will be done. On this earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for your promises and the great love that you are showing us. Thank you for who you are. You are indeed a great, awesome, personal, magnificent, loving God. And I am grateful for you. Thank you for you. I love you to you and back.

Yahweh. Thank you for your love. To obey you is my heart’s desire. What do you desire of me today?

To wait on you.

Yahweh, I desire to see you today. To see your movements: your hands at work. Yahweh, I desire to glorify you. Today. You deserve the glory. I pray that as I go through today that I will trust you. That I will honour you. That you will be seen. Thank you Yahweh.


the words "I will see the goodness of God" written in green, silver and blue

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