September 2, 2022
It is to You I give the praise
For You have done so much for me
and I will bless Your Holy Name
It is to You Holy Father no one like You
and I will bless Your Name
Bless Your Name
Bless Your Name forevermore
You are the most high.
You are the one who reigns forever.
There is no one on earth that can compare.
And no one in heaven that can take your place.
You are Alpha and Omega.
You are the Creator of the universe.
You are the one who created time.
Who put seasons into place.
Who set forth time for us.
You are the living word.
You are the breath of life.
You are my daily bread.
You are Lord of lords.
You are the name above all names.
You speak and your word comes to pass.
You smile and the whole world smiles back.
You are arrayed in all your glory.
You are my everything.
Thank you Yahweh for the everything of you.
For encompassing everything there is.
Thank you for dying and resurrecting to save us.
Thank you for living here with us, in us, directing us, healing us.
Thank you for the gifts that you have given us for life on this earth.
Thank you for your promise for a new heaven and a new earth.
Thank you for walking with me, day by day.
Thank you Yahweh for being everything that I need.
I am alive today because of you.
I can sing today because of you.
I am who I am today because of you.
Not perfect, but leaning into you.
Not bitter, but better.
I am saved, loved and healed.
Because of you.
Each step is another step with you.
I used today another step closer to you, but the truth is, you are close.
You desire to be so close that nothing can pass between us. And that’s a daily, minutely posture.
But each step with you brings me closer to who you see when you look at me. To who you designed me to be when you envisioned me.
Thank you for walking it out with me.
For never leaving me or forsaking me.
For desiring what is best for me.
For creating me to show forth your glory.
It is so interesting that you would do that.
It’s impossible for us to see you.
The angels can’t even look at your face.
So you created us to show your glory.
So that others and eventually us can get a better look at you.
You truly desired to be known for who you are.
Thank you for sharing you.
For welcoming us into your presence.
All glory belongs to you.
Glory to glory to glory to glory to glory to glory to God.
Ephesians 3:20-21 – Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory belongs to God in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time and eternity! Amen.
To all the generations of the age of the ages. Amen.
Generations : genea ; race, family; if repeated twice or with another word, indicates infinity of time. (from the word: ginomai: to come into being, to happen, to become, to emerge).
Age : aion : a space of time, a cycle of time, present age contrasted with a future age, series of ages stretching to infinity, continued duration.
Outside of Time
You actually live outside of time but for us to understand you a bit more, you created time and simultaneously live in time with us and outside of time.
Huh. Doctor Strange. The “deity” in the form of Dormammu who existed outside of time and in order to defeat him Dr. Strange brough time into his world. And it’s interesting that “they” set an aspect of you as the antagonist. But unlike Dormammu, you exist in both, because you created both and as such both time and eternity must bow to you.
And I know that is the strangest analogy (pun totally intended), but honestly it came to my thought and seemed to illustrate the idea of you being in time and eternity at the same time. You being in our day to day is not tedious or a drag or a disturbing to you. You actually enjoy it. You take the time to be with us. You also take the time outside of time to orchestrate everything in every age simultaneously so that the building blocks for now were set in place thousands of years ago.
Thank you for being God. For limiting yourself to the time you created so that we can exist. And also thank you for not limiting yourself to this time, but also exiting outside of it. Thank you and I love you to you and back.
Isaiah 48:10-11 –
I have refined you,
but not like silver.
I have tested you in the furnace of suffering.
I am doing this for myself, only for myself.
Why should my name be dishonored?
I will not give my glory to anyone else.
Yahweh will not give his glory to anyone. And because of that there are different types of refining. Someone who is acknowledging and honouring Yahweh will be refined as silver is refined to produce a pure reflection of Yahweh. But someone who does not desire to give glory to Yahweh is also refined – but it’s more like the mining process where we are dug out of the dirt – which is not a fun process.
I don’t want to be the same no more. Make me over. (The Walls Group).
I’ve just been singing this song since I got up.