Morning Star
Spread the love

June 19, 2022



Just fight a little longer my friend. It’s all worth it in the end.

But when you got nobody to turn to. Just hold on and I’ll find you.


Now I know that I am not hard for you to find, but I woke up with that song on my mind. And I am thankful that you will come through at the appointed time (and I truly did not mean to rhyme – facepalm).

I will keep holding on to you. You are my source of strength. You will come through. Thank you for all that you are. All that “I am” encapsulates. Thank you for never losing me AND always finding me.

Thank you for being the father above all and being the best example of a father. It’s Daddy Day. Well, truly it’s always Daddy Day, but today is special Daddy Day. Thank you for the earthly father that you’ve blessed me with. I know not all can say that they have an earthly father who stuck around, who sacrificed, who tried. But I am thankful that I can. Thank you for him and for keeping him. I pray that he will continue to seek you with all his heart. That he will have you as #1 on his heart’s throne. Thank you for keeping him in good health and strength. He is seventy-three and still able to walk, talk and be in sound mind. Keep him Father like you did for Moses until you are ready for him to leave here. Thank you for your favour in his life. Bless him.

Not just him though. All the fathers in the world. Yep, I know you got the wherewithal to bless them all. Strengthen those who may be growing weary and wondering if they’re even going right. I pray that they keep their eyes on you as THE father and follow your example. And there are those who are failing as a father. We know it’s a true situation. Absentee fathers. Abusive fathers. But you are still in control and you desire to save them all. To pull them to you. I pray that they will seek you and trust you to guide them as their father. To lead out, to provide, to guide. To be the father you desire them to be.

Yahweh, remember “the men.” I pray that each day they will choose you. That they would honour you. You are their father and they can trust you. Thank you for everything and I pray that today and everyday going forward would be one spent in your presence. Intentionally spent in your presence.

Thank you for the love that you’ve shown to all of us. Thank you for today. For healing and for grace. I love you.


John 17:26 – I have made your name known to them, and I will make it known so that the love you have for me will be in them and I will be in them.


Luke 6:36 –  Be merciful as your Father is merciful.


1 John 3:1 – Consider this: The Father has given us his love. He loves us so much that we are actually called God’s dear children. And that’s what we are. For this reason the world doesn’t recognize us, and it didn’t recognize him either.


1 Corinthians 4:15 –  You may have countless Christian guardians, but you don’t have many spiritual fathers. I became your father in the Christian life by telling you the Good News about Christ Jesus.



I honestly believe that one of the biggest problems in the world is lack of tolerance. I’m not saying to tolerate abuse, crime and things like that, but that we need to accept that people are different. If you prefer to put your pants on while sitting on the bed and the next person hops on one foot, so what? I shouldn’t be angry with you because you prefer to do something differently. You can make a suggestion absolutely, with the knowledge that the other person can choose to accept it or not.

And after all that pontificating, if I put on my harness wrong to go skydiving, then argue until kingdom come for me to do it right, because kingdom may come sooner than I expect. (Why skydiving? Cause right now, it’s in the category of wishful thinking, since there is no skydiving in my country). Essentially, if it’s a matter of life and death, correct. Insist on the way that will preserve life. Hmmmm. Though I guess when it comes to salvation, we can’t insist someone else be saved if they don’t want to be. And that’s life and death too. But we can pray.

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