Spread the love

January 6, 2022

CONFESSION: I don’t think I’m envious, but I truly don’t want to know random details about others pending nuptials. Especially since it’s people I don’t even know at all! I do wish them all the best, but it still hurts, you know? I do believe and trust in the fulfillment of your promises, but…sigh. No buts. Help me to receive others’ information with a heart like yours.



Psalm 34:8 – Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the person who takes refuge in him. 

Yahweh, you are good. And sometimes we are prone to forget, especially during times of trials or in the busyness of the day. But you are our refuge. I pray that Angie will seek refuge in you. In “good” times and “bad” times. That’s she will trust you and know that you are in control. You are there to bless. Bless her Yahweh. Enlarge her territory. She is your messenger. You know what message she has been called to carry and I pray that as she walks with you, she will eagerly carry the message. Strengthen her in you. Each day she is blessed. Her influence would be widened and others blessed by her actions. Thank you for the voice she has made to honour you. Help her to honour you in spirit and in truth. Strengthen her family relations.

Bless me by Donald Lawrence


1 Corinthians 1:9 – God faithfully keeps his promises. He called you to be partners with his son Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Yahweh, there is so much wrapped up in this young lady. You’ve made her to honour you and fulfill your word. I don’t know about her environment but you do. I pray that her desire would be to know you. That she will earnestly seek you and there is the confidence that she will find you. The devil is trying after her and family, but you are God over all and none can compare. Help her to resist the temptations that will come her way. Help her to choose you, to spend time with you. She is your promise Yahweh. Fulfill your promise. Thank you for watching over your word for it to come to pass.

Say a Prayer by Donald Lawrence

CONFESSION: Yahweh, I don’t have favourable experiences with Lissa’s mother and it is colouring my thoughts. I pray for guidance. Help me to see her the way you see her and to love the way you love. I pray that she will be an example of you in her home and wherever she may be. Let her words and her heart be reflective of you. Let my heart mirror yours. I love you Yahweh.

CONFESSION: It’s been torture you know? I’m a very physical person. While I don’t want random folks touching me, I like physical touch. But I’ve rarely gotten that for most of my life and it sucks. I know it’s not forever. But there are days and moments where I just wish I could be holding hands or lying next to someone. Sigh. I need you cause, this is not fun.

What can I anchor on while waiting? How can I strengthen myself and live in the moment while preparing for the future? It’s been two months. I know that by your grace I can make it. One day at a time. Little by Little.

Peter was walking on the word “Come.” He was in agreement with God. God’s power is released in agreement. Partnership. I’m gonna wait on you. Actually wait. Moving step by step.

I cannot judge the outcome of my life, based on the assumption of another’s. Yahweh search my heart and reveal the things that I need to work on. The things that can continue to separate me from you.

I still find it hard to believe that someone would choose me. Would want me as their first option and then keep choosing me. Because it has never happened with a person on this earth. I am thankful that you chose me and that everyday you choose me. Thank you!! So I will keep on choosing you cause you chose me when no one else wanted me. You love me when no one else does and I don’t mean to sound pessimistic. It’s simply a statement of what I see at the moment. But I am thankful for your promises: of what you said you will do. Of what you continue to do. You still love me. Help me to truly love myself the way you do and to keep trusting you.


1 John 4:10 – This is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the payment for our sins.

Lamentations 3:24 – My soul can say, “The Lord is my lot (in life), that is why I find hope in him.”


  1. Having some savings that I could tap into.
  2. Day 6!! Not that I’m anxiously waiting for the end (but I am planning my break the fast meal), but I still have energy!!
  3. Being able to encourage others.
  4. That you still love me!!


Spread the love