August 1, 2022
Free!!! Free to lift my hands!! Free to say Amen. Free to know that someday I will smile again.
But by the grace of God, that “someday” isn’t ten years in the future, but today.
Proverbs 31:25 – She dresses with strength and nobility, and she smiles at the future.
And I absolutely am smiling at the future because I know in whom I believe. But I am also rejoicing that I can smile today. I can praise you because you have given me a peace beyond understanding. And joy in you. And I’m thankful (as weird as it may seem) that this joy doesn’t mean that there aren’t days that aren’t sad or moments where I get upset, but that there is that heart knowledge that no matter what we are going through, you are still moving and working for my good. And yes I’m making it personal because well, you are personal as much as you love the whole world, you love me as an individual too and I am ever grateful for that.
Thank you for your love. For your grace. I don’t know what this month, much less this day holds, but I do know that you are holding it. So I will choose not to fear. Thank you for your protection. A group of us are going on a hike today. I’ve never been there before – none of us have, but there are supposed to be established trails. I pray for your continued protection over each of us individually and as a group, that we will go out and come back safely.
But you know, this is kinda like life. We know where we are starting (wherever we are at the moment), we “hope” for a pleasant trip to the destination, but we don’t know the turns to get to the destination. Thank you for leading us in this life’s journey. For never losing us, for never steering us wrong, even though we may be surprised at times – you don’t steer us wrong. Thank you for your grace. I love you. And I’m smiling at my future.
Psalm 80:3 – O God, restore us and smile on us so that we may be saved.
Psalm 80:7 – O God, commander of armies, restore us and smile on us so that we may be saved.
Psalm 80:19 – O Lord God, commander of armies, restore us, and smile on us so that we may be saved.
O God: Elohim: very great, mighty.
Restore: shub: to turn back, to return, revival from death, of boundary change.
Smile on us: OR: to be or become light, brightened, give us light, shines, kindle, luminous.
O God, Commander of Armies: TSABA: army, war, warfare, organised for war, appointed time, waiting upon.
O Lord God, Commander of Armies: Yahweh (The proper name of the God of Israel), I am who I am, to come to pass, become.
As I was reading the chapter, Psalm 80, I observed that every time he said “restore us and smile on us so that we may be saved,” another “attribute” was added to Yahweh.
He is great and mighty (to save).
He is organised for war
He is the appointed time.
He is the “I am who I am.”
He will come to pass.
And he is all of this at the same time even though the writer “adds” on each time it is repeated.
He is restoration.
I’ve noticed something over the last few months. I’ve always liked purple. Didn’t classify it as my favourite colour though – black still held that position. But more and more, I find myself being drawn to purple. And I am willing to say – for the first one (gasp), my favourite colour is purple! It honestly makes me smile. And I am thankful for being able to change. You are the same yesterday, today and forever, but we are changing everyday to be more like you, until that day when we shall all be changed. Total restoration.
1 Corinthians 15:51-52 – I’m telling you a mystery. Not all of us will die, but we will all be changed. It will happen in an instant, in a split second at the sound of the last trumpet. Indeed, that trumpet will sound, and then the dead will come back to life. They will be changed so that they can live forever.
And because I will celebrate everything: last year I had purchased these leggings/jeggings online. One fit fantastic. One fit wasn’t the best. And the third did not go past my hips. Now I have noticed that the one that fit great last year was loose. The one that wasn’t the best fit was not fitting great. But I had forgotten about the third because I had packed it away. This morning while looking for something, I saw it and decided to try it on. Guess what?!!! It fits!! Happy dance!! Whooohoooo!!
Colossians 4:2 – Keep praying. Pay attention when you offer prayers of thanksgiving
Proskarteréo: continue steadfastly, persist, persevere, attend constantly. I wait upon (to do something with intense effort).
Grégoreó: I am awake, I am watchful, on the alert, vigilant.
To look for the expected responses. To watch out for danger. To watch that we are not straying from the faith.
Do all while giving thanks.
When Plans Change
This morning did not go according to my plans. I had planned a hike with some friends. I ended up hiking alone. I had planned to bathe in the sea. Instead I stood on a hillock overlooking the ocean, the breeze blowing in my face.
I planned, but Yahweh refined.
Okay, I’m blown away. I was listening to a sermon before I went on the hike and up the hill (think it might actually be a premontary). When I came back down, I wrote briefly about it and ended it by saying, “But Yahweh,” aka “But God.” Then I continued the sermon. Not even five minutes into the rest of the sermon, the pastor starts speaking about, “But God.” Though things look bleak. But God. I am thankful for the “But God.”
They meant it for evil, but God.
But my God shall supply.
Thank you!!
Thank you for your word. Your voice is shining through. I will hold on to you. You know every month when you send a word, it comes as a bit of a surprise. But also every time there were hints throughout that only makes sense in hindsight.
Zechariah 3:2 – The Lord said to Satan, “I, the Lord, silence you, Satan! I, the Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, silence you! Isn’t this man like a burning log snatched from a fire?”
Amen. I, the Lord (twice) silence you Satan. Satan is a defeated foe. He has no claim over me. Over this earth. Over what Yahweh has called me to do. Thank you for your love Yahweh. Thank you for standing in my stead as the accused. Thank you for coming through as gold and covering me. I love you Yahweh. You are my everything.