Morning Star
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February 3, 2022 

Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for waking me up this morning. I’m not sure what is going on; if it’s a good thing or bad. But I’m sleeping a lot, I don’t usually sleep this much. And I’m falling asleep without realising it. Just a bit strange for me. Not complaining though just observing. 

Today is yours, for your will to be done in my life. Yahweh, I pray that any/all false humility and false pride be removed from me. It is so easy to think that by shying away from certain things that that is humility, but it’s not and I’m realising that more and more. Cleanse me oh Father and let my spirit resonate with yours: be in tune with you so that we can sing together beautiful harmonies. No lie, I miss singing in a group, but I realised that I have not yet found that group for me and it’s okay. Everything in its time. Yahweh, I pray for this household, that the light you desire us to shine with would be pure and draw others closer to you. I pray that we would not just be Christians in name only but in spirit and in truth. Thank you for moving in our lives. Help us to always be surrendered to your will. Yahweh, I lift this neighbourhood before you, especially the men – body, mind and soul. You have placed, by design, men to be priests. But so few these days actually take up the role. Yahweh, I pray for those who have, that they will always stay connected to you for strength for each day and to do what you desire of them. I pray for those who have not yet chosen to take up the mantle. I pray that they hear your voice and harden not their heart. May they choose to take up the roles they have been called to. And do it with a willing heart. Thank you Yahweh for your spirit over and in us. To live and to do your will. I love you, Yahweh. 


How much do you love us?

You heal us. 

It’s funny when I think about it, but that’s probably what you are known for the most. Jehovah-Rapha. The healer. While here on earth, you healed all manner of diseases. You healed the physical and the spiritual.  You healed nations and individuals. Why was(is) healing such an important part of your ministry here on earth? Even though, I feel like prayers of healing go up to you more than any other type of prayer.

Hosea 14:4 – The Lord says, “I will heal them of their unfaithfulness. I will love them freely. I will no longer be angry with them.”

Hmmmm. SIDEBAR: We often point to our chest whenever we ask Yahweh to come into us. But why not our legs? Or hand or even our head. I was initially going to say because that’s where our vital organs are (and they are), but our brain is kind of vital too.  But I believe it’s because everything flows from our chest. All that we need for Life flows from our chest area and you are all we need for life. And in order for you to flow and have the biggest impact we need you to be where you would be most effective. Just a thought. 

It’s interesting that unfaithfulness is considered a disease that needs to be cured. We often (if we’re being honest) think of disease as physical. But out of the heart (both physical and spiritual) everything flows. 

Healing of unfaithfulness is about the ultimate restoration to Yahweh. We can be physically healthy all we want, but without faith we cannot please him. Unfaithfulness in the physical often refers to cheating – so it does in the spiritual and it causes a breakdown in the relationship. Well causes a breakdown in a good relationship anyway. By healing our unfaithfulness, Yahweh is restoring that trust relationship to what it should be. 

SIDEBAR: Yahweh really does look at the heart and hears the prayers of the righteous. 

2 Chronicles 30:18-20 – Although most of the many people who came from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun had not purified themselves, yet they ate the Passover, contrary to what was written. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, “May the Lord, who is good, pardon everyone who sets their heart on seeking God—the Lord, the God of their ancestors—even if they are not clean according to the rules of the sanctuary.” And the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people.

Forgiveness is the ultimate healing. It is that restoration that turns the heart completely over to Yahweh. It brings joy and praise like nothing else can. But it also requires us to humble ourselves before the Lord. Heart matters and that is what movies Yahweh to heal the heart.

Heal: to be whole. To cure a disease and restore to soundness. 

Yahweh, may our hearts be inclined to you. Heal our unfaithfulness – that disease that makes it so easy to turn away from you. Thank you for your faithfulness towards us. It’s a good thing that you never get sick. You are a good and awesome God. 


He Heals Us
He Heals Us

So there are moments that everything just seems in sync to remind and keep you on track. This morning I just felt the need to change my morning workout songs. The one that resonated with me (and hadn’t listened to for years) was “One Thing Remains” (Your Love Never Fails). I went into the family chat and the message from Mom is, “God is so lovely isn’t he?” and then!! A friend sends a tik tok video (via whatsapp) of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8: Love is…

I wonder if the universe is trying to tell me something? And by universe I mean Yahweh. Thank you Yahweh for your reminders. Thank you for your love. Help me to show your love to others each day. 

Yahweh. Sigh. There are so many genuine people who can’t seem to find romantic love. I pray for Clint. He’s given up. Though I hope it’s not a complete give up. Strengthen him in you daily and I pray that he finds the love that he desires. Keep his heart fixed on you. To grow and continue to love you. Hold him close. In Your name I pray. Amen. 

Hmmmm. My breakfast smoothie wasn’t very filling today. It’s 9 something and I already feel hungry. Think I’ll drink some tea. 

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