December 25, 2022
Yahweh, what am I thankful for today.
- Disappointment. I will have hope, but must always surrender my timing. You are the God of time. Of time, light and revelation.
- Rest. I got some much needed rest today. No work. Well except to iron some curtains. Rest.
- Sadness. I know as Christians we always preach joy and happiness – the joy of the Lord is my strength. It doesn’t always mean that every moment is a happy one. But that even in sadness, we can trust Yahweh. Christmas does make me sad at times. Other holidays and random days. But I will keep Yahweh even before me. Help my thoughts to be of you.
- Family. Because they are stuck with me.
- Yahweh’s promises. All of them. The ones answered, the ones delayed in my eyes, but in his perfect time.
- The gifts/talents Yahweh has given to me.
Luke 1:37 – But nothing is impossible for God.
Luke 1:37 (TPT) – Not one promise from God is empty of power. Nothing is impossible with God!
Luke 1:37 (ASV) – Â For no word from God shall be void of power.
I’m going to keep holding on to Yahweh. I will trust his word because no promise is empty of power. Yahweh, help me to be faithful. Help me to also know what you are saying to me. Not my own interpretation or beliefs, but what you actually said.
Zechariah: God Remembers
Elizabeth: His oath, His abundance.
I promise I did not go looking for sermons on disappointment. I did not search anything about disappointment. But disappointment found me. But so did Yahweh’s words.
A sermon I listened to this morning featured disappointment and gave the scripture Romans 5:5. And then this evening another sermon I’m listening to while binding also spoke about disappointment and gave the scripture Luke 1:37.
Disappointment comes, but so does Yahweh. No word from you is void of power. In times of disappointment, I will wait on you. For the appointed time – that you know and you partially revealed to me. Help me to remember that disappointment isn’t always a flat no, but a preparation for your yes. In your name. Amen.
Yahweh, I don’t want disappointment to invade and take over my life. Why? I’ve walked that road already and it led to depression and despair. I lost my wonder for reals. So Yahweh, even when disappointed, I will choose to hope in you. I will choose to believe your word, because your word is not void. Your word is power.
My God is unshakeable
His word is powerful
Nothing is impossible with Him
His word is not empty.Â
My God is all that I need
My God is beside me
My God loves me.